سليمان:على من يرفض الحوار بانتظار نتائج انتخابات 2013 ان يتحمل المسؤولية
Read this story in Englishاشار مصدر مقرب من رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى ان "من يرفض الاستجابة للحوار عليه ان يتحمل مسؤولياته"، لافتا الى انه "من الخطورة بمكان عدم الاستجابة للحوار بانتظار نتائج الانتخابات النيابية عام 2013، لان الامور لا تحتمل الانتظار في ظل المخاطر الحقيقية التي تحدق بلبنان".
واعتبر المصدر في حديثه لصحيفة "السفير"، ان "بين من يقول ان الحوار غير نافع ابدا، وبين من يؤكد انه يحل كل شيء، وبين من يدعو الى إمرار الوقت بهدوء، يمكن ايجاد شيء ما في الوسط".
ولفت الانتباه الى ان "البحث عن أطر حوارية جديدة خيار ممكن التحقق"، مشيرا الى ان ما طرحه الرئيس سليمان "أعمق من ان يُفهم على انه دعوة لطاولة الحوار بصيغتها السابقة".
وفي المقابل ابدت اوساطا قيادية في فريق 14آذار لـ"السفير" اعتراضها على دعوة سليمان الى الحوار، قائلة: "ما من سبب يدفع الى المشاركة في حوار قرر الفريق الآخر سابقا وقفه وفق اجندته".
وفيما شددت الاوساط على ان قوى 14 اذار لن تعطي رئيسي الجمهورية والحكومة فترة سماح وتقطيع وقت من رصيدها، لفتت الى ان "رئيس الجمهورية يحتاج الى تعويض ما خسره في التشكيلة الحكومية، ورئيس الحكومة يبحث عما يعزز شرعية تمثيله، في الدعوة الى الحوار".
وكانت كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية قد أصدرت بعد اجتماعا لها امس الثلثاء، بيانا دعت فيه الى "حصر بند الحوار بموضوع سلاح حزب الله وان يأتي الاستعداد للحوار بشكل واضح من الحزب حول موضوع السلاح وتحديد تاريخ محدد لانجاز الاتفاق"، مشددة على مشاركة الجامعة العربية فيه.
Dialogue is just passing time until the end of the President's term. Nothing will change. So, they go to dialogue and One side says" we have problems with your weapons as they are being used internally for political ends", the other side says" I have a mandate from God to carry weapons and defend Lebanon the way I see fit and you have no choice in this matter (Sheaton Am Abayton)..." So, We go round in circles! This country is doomed..... There is no hope really. I am leaving.....
I had hope for this government. I had hope for Sleiman that he would stabilize Lebanon and bring stability and peace to its people. I was wrong. Sleiman is weak, and he is scared to speak the true voice of the Lebanese people. This is why he has proposed a dialogue, because he has already failed serving the people's interest. Lebanon needs a strong central army, not a radical militia hell-bent on the destruction of Israel. We need a government and army that will serve and protect the people - not just from Israel but from anyone that wants to creat instability in Lebanon. Hezbollah should be incorporated into the Lebanese army, but i highly doubt that will work. For now, we need to look to the future and pray that the Christians and Muslims in Lebanon can unite together as PRO LEBANESE, and forget the Israelis and the Americans and the Iranians and the Syrians. Lets stop allying ourselves with foreigners and ally ourselves with eachother, lets be PRO LEBANESE
It is never sound & good saying no to dialogue. Especially when we all stood against M8 , when they were rejecting it. We should say YES provided it adresses the weapon issue; once this is cleared, all other issues could be esely adressed within constitutional bodies.
@tub I agree with you
@james I was a bit like you, but now, with what's happening in Syria, and which could potentially happen in Iran, I think we have hope. When the Syrian people get rid of their dictator it'll deal a heavy blow to M8 figures, specially Hizb Alla, and they'll need to make concessions.
If this happens and the political parties are around a dialog table, the concessions are agreed on the table. But if this happens and the situation is volatile and tense, things may bet worse. So I guess given that the power balance is likely to turn against the logic of weapons and mini state, it's better if they are all around a dialog table and start off talking.
He was never able to achieve antything while an army chief and nothing changed since he was installed in Baabda... he is just a nice guy who is helpless and filling a seat... he got no real political power or any kind of power... It is useless to attack him...