14 آذار تشترط مشاركة الامم المتحدة وجامعة الدول العربية بالحوار
Read this story in Englishاشترطت قوى 14 آذار لنجاح الحوار، الذي دعا اليه رئيس الجمهورية، عدة شروط أبرزها مشاركة الامم المتحدة وجامعة الدول العربية فيه، نظراً الى الامتداد الاقليمي لسلاح "حزب الله"، وتمر بتحديد بند وحيد للحوار هو موضوع السلاح، وضرورة تأكيد الحزب استعداده للتخلي عنه، وكذلك تحديد مدة لانتهاء الجلسات الحوارية التي لن يشارك فيها "التحالف السيادي" بطبيعة الحال.
ونقلت صحيفة "النهار" عن مصادر 14 آذار انها تتجه الى عدم الاستجابة لرغبة سليمان بمعاودة الحوار الوطني، على خلفية ان هذه القوى تجاوزت منذ 13 آذار الماضي مرحلة الحوار على البند الوحيد الباقي من غير اتفاق عليه وهو سلاح "حزب الله"، واعلنت صراحة وتكراراً انها انتقلت الى مرحلة اسقاط هذا السلاح.
ولفتت المصادر الى ان قبولها في ظروف معينة بثلاثية "الجيش والشعب والمقاومة" كان خطأ ولا عودة اليه اطلاقاً، واذا كانت الحكومة الحالية اعتمدت هذه الصيغة في بيانها الوزاري فهذا شأنها، لكنها لم تعد تعني شيئاً لقوى 14 آذار غير المشاركة في الحكومة، والتي تعارضها بكل قوتها.
وأضافت: "على الرئيس سليمان والحكومة ممثلة برئيسها نجيب ميقاتي التحاور، وليس التفاوض مع "الحزب"، على آلية لإنهاء سلاحه غير الشرعي أسوة بما كان سلاح الميليشيات إثر انتهاء الحرب الاهلية عام 1990، وعلى ان يكون التحاور مستنداً الى مبدأ تطبيق اتفاق الطائف والقرار الدولي 1701 اللذين ينصان على انهاء كل سلاح حزبي وغير شرعي على كل الاراضي اللبنانية.
The Mossad party will never give up their arms. They are needed for killing Lebanese like they did May 2008
March 8 should not hold any dialogue with a bunch of corrupt baboons! ONE WAY TICKETS TO ALL YOU SAUDI BABOONS!
The biggest problem we have in Lebanon is that one sect(the shiites) have weapons they use to intimidate other sects/lebanese all under the pretext of resistance. No other sect in Lebanon is allowed to practice resistance. Hence, the name "Islamic Resistance". Moreover, it is not only limited to islamic, but to a specific sect within Islam, the shiite sect. Even, within the shiite sect, resistance is only open to those who believe in wilayat al faqih of hizbullah. The Murshid of this group has repeatedly said he will never lay down his arms. So, how can you have dialogue with some hard headed fanatic who thinks he has a mandate from God. Dialogue is carried out between equal parties. Until then, all efforts for dialogue remain futile.
M14 has not learned its lesson and is getting more distant from Cedar Revolution’s objectives of freedom and democracy established by Lebanon’s youth movement that inspired youths from Tehran to Casablanca. You cannot negotiate with Miqati’s cabinet formed by criminal Assad’s regime and Basij; nor attend conference until Lebanon’s is freed from Hizb and Palestinian arms controlled by Ahmadinajad and Assad. Negotiating is like accepting partial withdrawal of Syrian troops in 2005. March 13 message was clear: all free Lebanese refuse Hizb arms. Only misguided supporters of Hizb and its useful idiots didn’t show up. But Shia supports Hizb like Syrians support Assad or Libyans support Khadafi. Hizb has taken Shia hostage making them stranger to their own culture primarily because of M14 mistakes for not incorporating youth movements and providing real alternative to Shia. Your main task is to incorporate youth and Shia democratic voices and provide vision for real transparent democracy.
M14 has not learned its lesson and is getting more distant from Cedar Revolution’s objectives of freedom and democracy established by Lebanon’s youth movement that inspired youths from Tehran to Casablanca. You cannot negotiate with Miqati’s cabinet formed by criminal Assad’s regime and Basij; nor attend conference until Lebanon’s is freed from Hizb and Palestinian arms controlled by Ahmadinajad and Assad. Negotiating is like accepting partial withdrawal of Syrian troops in 2005. March 13 message was clear: all free Lebanese refuse Hizb arms. Only misguided supporters of Hizb and its useful idiots didn’t show up. But Shia supports Hizb like Syrians support Assad or Libyans support Khadafi. Hizb has taken Shia hostage making them stranger to their own culture primarily because of M14 mistakes for not incorporating youth movements and providing real alternative to Shia. Your main task is to incorporate youth and Shia democratic voices and provide vision for real transparent democracy.
Resistance this, resistance that... please refrain from calling those thugs resistants! They are fanatics, and businessman. That's what they are!
These losers have become creative in finding ways to self-destruct. They were insignificant, to begin with, considering that they got nothing in return for serving under the feet of an unqualified imbecile named Saad Don Haririoni, son of the filthiest Lebanese mafioso ever, who got the punishment that all mafiosos deserve.