الراعي: لا يستطيع أحد الذهاب للحوار إذا إعتقد أن الحقيقة المطلقة معه

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أعلن البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي انه مع العدالة والوصول إلى الحقيقة من خلال المحكمة الدولية "شرط ألا تكون مبنية على التضليل".

وأكد الراعي خلال زيارته الراعوية إلى منطقة جبيل "ألا أحد يستطيع أن يذهب إلى الحوار والنهوض بالدولة إذا إعتقد أن الحقيقة المطلقة معه".

وقد استهل الراعي اليوم الثالث من زيارته إلى منطقة جبيل بزيارة بلدة ميفوق حيث المقر البطريركي في سيدة إيليج و بلدات حاقل وعبيدات والخاربة وترتج حيث أقيم غداء على شرفه.

التعليقات 3
Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 16:58 ,2011 تموز 18

Some think Rahi is M8 , some M14, but he really is M LEBANON, and puts Lebanon first, he is a far better patriarch than Sfeir, although that Sfeir had good stances his words were not firm enough like Rahi, he is an unmovable rock with convicions and principle, and what he said is clear, hezbollah cannot go to dialogue thinking that their weapons are divine and should not be the subject and also reject justice from the STL, specially that this disgusting militia is filled with Mossad, CIA spies, working for zionist interest, other than their master in Iran as well, nobody of M8 understands that Hezbollah's only goal from the beginning is to take over Lebanon, and doesnt care of the palestinian cause or Israel. So as Israel, they helped give reasons for Hezbollah to stay armed in Lebanon, like 2006, and also keeping lebanese lands although the UN is already present. TRAITORS to Lebanon all around us, but be sure, God is great and you will all rot in the eternal fire of hell

Default-user-icon Soso (ضيف) 18:12 ,2011 تموز 18

Pacifier, and who says that someone who is a traitor to lebanon will rot in hell? Did God say that? Surely not as at this point, being a traitor to lebanon is good as Lebanon is a hub of sin with all its bars, nightclubs, strip clubs, drugs, prostitution, sodomy, implicit singers etc etc. The list is very long. Anyone who approves of lebanon being like this will surely be the one who will rot in the eternal fire of hell. Not to mention the paganism among the maronites and catholics here. As for the selfish corrupt politicians, they are simply a product of our own society. March14 and march8 are both a curse on lebanon.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 22:32 ,2011 تموز 18

I didnt know you can read bigdig, because it sure seems you can't see, see in what deep hole your pig master brought us into, just as the one he is hiding in, dining with Mossad and CIA agents, betraying Lebanon as usual for the sake of Iran and Syria and of course of Israel, dont you see ? Hassouni your master is the biggest spy , traitor and coward Lebanon has ever seen, he poisoned the noble chiite sect in order to make you hate the zionists while working for them, pacifying the norther border from palestinians for them, fixing a cease fire with Berri so that the UN comes by and Israel doesnt have to make peace ever and they can stay in state of war, thus giving a reason to keep their weapons. Bravo bigdig you are one blind follower, my interpretations you will soon realise they are true, Rahi will never be a tool like your Zionist friend michel aoun, by the way why didnt they free Fares Karam ? since you hold power now, maybe because the Hezb found out its true? think about it