رعد يعزو سبب تفجير بئر حسن إلى "تحالف غربي – إسرائيلي تتقاطع مصالحه مع أنظمة إقليمية ومجموعات تكفيرية"

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رأى رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد أن استهداف السفارة الإيرانية في بيروت "هو عمل إرهابي واضح الهوية على مستوى التخطيط والتنفيذ، يتماهى بنمطه العدواني الحاقد مع النمط العنصري للعدو الصهيوني".

وأشار رعد في تصريح الثلاثاء أن التفجير "يتعمد بوحشية إيقاع أكبر عدد ممكن من الضحايا الشهداء والجرحى وتدمير البيوت والمحال والسيارات للمدنيين الآمنين".

واعتبر أن "الهدف هو مواصلة برنامج القتل والتخريب وإثارة الفوضى وتهديد الوحدة الوطنية وضرب الإستقرار والتوغل في التفتيت".

كذلك شرح رعد أن الأمر "برنامج يلتزمه تحالف غربي – إسرائيلي تتقاطع مصالحه مع أنظمة إقليمية ومجموعات تكفيرية لإجهاض صحوة الشعوب ومحاصرتها واسقاط نهوضها ومقاومتها خدمة لسياسات التسلط والهيمنة وحماية للمصالح الإستعمارية وحراسها الإقليميين، وفي مقدمها الاحتلال الصهيوني لفلسطين".

وأضاف: "مما لا شك فيه أن هذا المستوى من العمل الارهابي الذي يتهدد لبنان ووحدته وأمنه وسلمه الأهلي، يتطلب وقفة وطنية حازمة تقطع الطريق أمام تمادي هؤلاء المرتكبين" مؤكدا أن "اللبنانيين سيكونون على مستوى المسؤولية الوطنية".

وكان قد قتل 23 شخصا وجرح أكثر من 150 في تفجير مزدوج استهدف السفارة الإيرانية في بئر حسن.

التعليقات 12
Thumb sevilla 18:28 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

@Raad.... your sectarian war in Syria is the cause of the instability we are witnessing. You and your terror party have no regards to the State of Lebanon, its constitution, its army, and its people. You are illegal, an outlaw, a mere criminal.

Default-user-icon TheSouthWillRiseAgain (ضيف) 18:40 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19


You confuse me brother,one day you say the Hezb cant get out,

and now your saying get out...you make arguments for both sides.

as an outsider looking in I enjoy your posts,but in politcs you

need to choose a side and I dont believe you have yet with all do

respect, Good day brother.

Thumb mckinl 18:42 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

Blaming Israel in any way for this bombing is an embarrassment to Hezbollah. They know quite well who is behind this and to give these mass murders political cover shames HA and disrespects the public.

Thumb FlameCatcher 18:50 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

Last couple of times you blamed israel, turns out it was Syrian Rebels or Bashar el Assad himself in tripoli!

Thumb geha 19:04 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

iran and hizbushaitan are embarrassed with this bombing that hits them while they were claiming victory.
this bombing is a clear message to the shia community of how much hatred they gathered in the region, and that this is the way forward from now on.
they dragged the peaceful shia community into being hated by all their surroundings, making it impossible for this community to survive peacefully from now on.

Default-user-icon ezzo (ضيف) 19:06 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

Surely you wont deny Israel and Saudi are in bed together right? I dont understand how your post makes sense taking that into consideration. Who is on TV daily threatening Iran? Please wake up as well. Thanks.

Missing peace 21:40 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

sure, alqaeda is an israeli terrorist group financed by the west..; LOL

Thumb bashir 21:40 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

I'm embarrassed for Hizbullah's supporters that their leaders say such foolish things.

Default-user-icon amir (ضيف) 23:43 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

remind me of Hamas Leaders in Gaza
No further comment

Default-user-icon Vladimir Horowitz (ضيف) 23:57 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 19

Fraudsters since 1982, for their refusal of peace with Israel such as the ones Jordanians and Egyptians are not heard complaining about today, for their self-styled "resistance" "for the 425 only", for their disarray when the Israelis left, for their invention of the Shebaa Farm all while claiming victory, for their cover of the Syrian's succion of Lebanon (along with many of their enemies of today), for their perpetration of the 2006 war and claiming victory for the non victory of Israel but the destruction of the country, for their clinging to their corruption and protection system with money from the impoverished and oppressed Iranian people, for their oppression of the legitimate rights of the Syrian people. Yes they are absolute scum.

Missing m.c. 02:22 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 20

The truth Mr. Raad is that you will reap what you sow but the sad truth also is innocent victims are dying because of decisions of people like you who send them into battle while being protected by bodyguards yourself. Your arrogance is well noted when you stand on the day 23 people died and blame everyone else but your decision to enter a conflict you should have steered clear off. If your supporters are pleased and willing to sacrifice their lives and those of their loved ones, than at least have the courage to say the truth. When you brought your war to their door steps, they brought their war to your door steps.

Thumb shab 16:50 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 20

Filthy Militia