اصدار مذكرتين سوريتين في قضية اغتيال الحريري ستهزان لبنان وسوريا

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كشفت اوساط رسمية قريبة من المعارضة عن ورود اسمين اثنين لقياديين سوريين في قضية اغتيال رئيس الحكومة السابق رفيق الحريري والشهداء الاخرين.

واشارت الاوساط عينها الى صحيفة "الانباء" ان الامر سيهز الوضع الان في لبنان او في سوريا"، موضحة ان "اذاعة الاسمين سيكون مقرونا بمذكرتي اتهام".

ولفتت بان "تصحيح الوضع القائم في سوريا، سيؤدي الى تصحيح الوضع في لبنان تلقائيا"، داعية قوى 14 اذار التي ستجتمع على المستوى الحقوقي في فندق "البريستول" يوم 26 الجاري إلى "متابعة الموقف في سورية حيث تتعاظم الثورة السورية".

وكانت "الانباء" قد كشفت سابقا في معلومات صحفية أن مذكرات التوقيف الجديدة التي ستصدر عن المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان تخص أربعة عشر لبنانيا وغير لبنانيين تشمل نائبا حاليا ونوابا ووزراء سابقين.

ونقلت صحيفة "الأنباء الكويتية" عن أوساط ديبلوماسية على علاقة بالأمم المتحدة أن "المذكرات الجديدة تشمل نحو 14 لبنانيا، سياسيين وعسكريين، وغير لبنانيين من مختلف الفئات، ويفترض أن تظهر الى العلن قبل نهاية تموز، واللافت ان الاسماء المتداولة تشمل نائبا حاليا ونوابا ووزراء سابقين".

وأفادت مصادر متابعة للوضع اللبناني العام للصحيفة عينها أن الارتياح الذي ترتب على الخطوتين الحكوميتين المتمثلتين بالتعيينات الادارية والأمنية من جهة، والافراج عن الاستونيين السبعة من جهة أخرى "قد لا يعمر طويلا في ضوء تزايد الاشارات الواردة من لاهاي عن قرب صدور مذكرات اتهام جديدة".

التعليقات 55
Default-user-icon Real (ضيف) 10:18 ,2011 تموز 17

The decision making process in totalitarian and dictatorial regimes such as the syrian regime is initiated by one person at the top. The decision was taken by Bashar Assad himself. Hizbullah carried out the actual physical act assisted and aided by lebanese political and security figures. An operation of this complexity and magnitude did not happen in a vacuum! The assassins had safe shelter to pot, plan, execute, and eventually retreat to the "capital" of the resistance which is outside state control.

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 11:21 ,2011 تموز 17

From the way Hizbollah (Iran's occupation army) and Berri (Assad's mukhabarat man) has acted to use everything in their power to block STL formation, including closing the parliament for years, it was obvious that Rafiq Hariri's assassination was a Hizb-Syrian affair, most likely funded by Ahmadinajad. Would anyone claiming that individuals and not Hizb or Assad's regime are to blame stop this nonsense. No one is that stupid anymore. Miquati should resign immediately because the same way Egyptians and Tunisians will bring corrupt government officials to court so will the Lebanese, and pratically no one in Miqati's government will escape justice. It is a divine providence that no woman nor Jawad Khalife, the only M8 decent minister, is not part of this Assad/Basij Miqati's cabinet of pirates and criminals.

Missing mabboud 13:57 ,2011 تموز 17

Gebran... Ahmadinejad wasn't even elected yet!! guess that this makes u ridiculous and not credible at all in whatever u say except express ur opinions (based on whatever u think or don't think in fact.... but keep it going, its' funny)

Real & Slash, it is up to the accusation to prove that someone is guilty and this shouldn't be based on wishes and what pleases u. But I think that simplification makes people so dumb sometimes that they end-up saying that "conspiracy theories" everywhere is m8 only explanation for things while supporting (with no evidence whatsoever) that so many people would be involved in plotting Hariri killing that even the gardener in Koraytem should have known about it.

B serious guys, only very few people knew about the killing else, the killing wouldn't have been successful at all... Hariri had lot's of money and this makes it much safer to have a tiny team to kill him... bass it's ok, let's say that non-elected Ahmadinejad organized it with 100 other people

Missing peace 14:21 ,2011 تموز 17

when you see the methods used (the same used to kill mouawwad, gemayel...) the fact that hariri and all the others were becoming dangerous for spreading ideas against syria and hezb, doesn t it lead to the same country???

or maybe israel did the job to please syria!!!

come on! everything points to syria! don t be blind... even aoun said it...

Thumb joesikemrex 15:38 ,2011 تموز 17

And why do some still seem surprised, justice will be served.

Missing mabboud 18:42 ,2011 تموز 17

peace... there is no one technique to kill someone and no one has exclusivity on any killing method or objectives. Elie Hobeika was killed and most people think that it is linked to Israel because of Sharon and trial that was to happen in Belgium (linked to Sabra Chatilla massacre: search the web, u will get the context, the story and some info).

That said, the probability of Syria i.e. Bashar giving an order to kill Hariri is high but all "stupid" arguments are no proof, sophism seems to be what's guiding people on this board with lot's of inconsistency and contradictions.

We had along talk last week and u never answered my question by the way, you should go back and read our conversation and I'll be more than happy to resume it.

BTW, Hariri was never negative on HA and was probably their best ally at the international level, he went to plead their case in EU and helped not having the Hezb listed as terrorist. Also, in hakikaleaks, Hariri is said to have gr8 relationship with HA.

Missing mabboud 19:09 ,2011 تموز 17

You should also stop saying even Aoun said... Aoun was wrong on many things he said and shouldn't be used to help bring a case... this is my opinion, now if u think that what Aoun says should be used as proof, u have a problem peace.

Let's continue our last week conversation, I'd love to push it further.... cf. .http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/10316-safadi-hariris-remarks-of-incitement-pose-security-threat-to-me-and-miqati

Missing people-power 19:31 ,2011 تموز 17

Mammoud, we are tired of your propaganda. Everything you write is slanted towards a favorable view of Ahmadinejad, Iran, and Hezbollah. According to you, Ahmadinejad is a man of the people, Iran is a good model of democracy, and Rafik had a great relationship with Hezbollah (implying that Hezbollah wouldn't have killed Hariri).

Let me splash a dose of reality on your face.... Most Iranians hate Ahmadinejad, Iran is a theocracy where you can't even run in an election unless the Ayatollah allows to put you on the ballot, and Hezbollah killed Hariri.

The bigger question is this: Why does someone so biased towards Hezbollah spend so much time on a pro-M14 website, posting pro-Iranian propaganda 24/7?

I can understand Bigdig, he's an a-hole but he doesn't hide his intentions. You on the other hand, think you know everything and you are trying to persuade people to believe your garbage.

Do you know who Gebran Tueni is? Do some effin research as you arrogantly like to tell everyone.

Default-user-icon Freezolla (ضيف) 19:54 ,2011 تموز 17

It does not matter if this farce names two or two thousand. In any case, they are better off publishing their reports in Hebrew, the only language, other than money, that Imbecile Saad Hariri understands.

Missing mabboud 20:13 ,2011 تموز 17

people=power... first, I probably know much more on Tueni than you and he was not the subject here.

Second, u talk to say what u want and use a technique of people who don't know how to argument, u write sentences as facts and make me say things I never said.

When did I say that Iran was not a theocracy or when did I say that I love Ahmadinejad? I wrote that what happens in Iran is not of my business and that I don't care. I also wrote that Ahmadinejad is more popular in Iran that the Mosavi and Rafsanjani...

Concerning Hariri and HA I just said that in the Hakikaleaks, it is said that he had good relashionship with HA and that he was with the resistance (Murr & Hariri both talked about that... just goon youtube and hear what those mans are saying... not me, I didn't know personally Hariri neither HA members and I am not as stupid as many here to say things without presenting facts and doing an effort to argument

Missing mabboud 20:17 ,2011 تموز 17

People... if u weren't so shortsighted and stubborn and if u knew how to read and do research, I'll help u on that one but u are so stupid and bias that when I say that Ahmadinejad was not in charge in 2004-2005 to plan for Hariri killing, u take it as fi it was a way to say that he is a good person... I give facts, u r delusional at best and very stupid (most probably).

Also, we had many conversations that u end when corned and can't answer simple questions, u just write non-sense to avoid answering or just thinking. You should try to answer questions when asked and put your brain at work to analyze and better read what people write and not jump to your own baseless conclusions.

This page is open to anyone, m14, m8 and free people; if your rotten and fascist mind can't cope with that... u should, we r not is KSA, not in Iran and not in Syria and we have biased but free media.... try to be a man for once and align ur messages with ur ideas and learn how to spell Democracy!!

Missing mabboud 20:24 ,2011 تموز 17

as a ref people-power, here is an old message, still no answer:

Since this is an m14 website which obviously I am not, I am a free man with a free mind (which doesn't mean that I am neutral though), I invite everyone to help people-power in finding answering my questions. This is not an open for insults and calumny but a genuine invitation to debate of the best outcome the STL could have for Lebanon, short and long term and for the international justice which all here are proud to support; what the STL will bring?.. but let's focus on the best outcome for our country short and long-term, how would the best scenario be... of course, taking as an assumption that it will prove that Syria, Iran Hezbollah r guilty; how will it move forward, what would the international community do to our benefit and would it stop violence, revenge and killings? how? what would be the cost? benefit?

Missing mabboud 20:32 ,2011 تموز 17

BTW, when I say that HA had a good relationship with AH, this doesn't mean that they didn't kill him; it simply means that using the argument that HA didn't have good rel. with Hariri to give a kind of support to the proof that they killed him is ridiculous.... simply speaking people-power, u r going through shortcuts because u don't think enough or don't want to listen to something that could help this brainwashed head get dirty again with free man ideas

Thumb bashir 21:48 ,2011 تموز 17


why don't you just shut up?
We get it, you enjoy insane pseudo Islamic posers killing statesmen. we get it. You hate peace or equality, we get it. You love Hassan and his little beard. Check.

Missing mabboud 22:18 ,2011 تموز 17

Comments are very funny.... did I say something like no, it's not Syria or HA is gr8.

Bashir, where did u read anything of what u r saying in a message I wrote... I think u like many other people have issues with ur neurons... u have been so brainwashed to an extent that is hard to imagine.

Slash, u r very funny, u didn't answer any of my questions, u r not even understanding what I have written and r just issuing statements based on nothing but your word, present me some content that has value to read and I'll read it but don't just say common things like brainwashed people because I am a free man and will listen but criticize any misconception, sophism, ridiculous arguments, etc.

u should do the same, take a sentence I say and argue to criticize it but don't do what u do, it's pointless.

I'll however answer u in details (and hope u will accept to play the same game called democracy and debate for ideas)...

Default-user-icon Fuziyad (ضيف) 22:20 ,2011 تموز 17

Mabboud, Hariri was considered as having pushed 1559 forward, and 1559 both for syria and ha was a red line not to cross. We know what followed.

Missing mabboud 22:30 ,2011 تموز 17

Slash, all candidates for Iran elections were supportive to HA, Mosavi even founded the HA and said during his campaign that he will of course support it.

Hariri going to show some proof of whatever to whoever... please provide some details about that, I'll be happy to read & learn and analyse. That said, no one needs documents to know the atrocities Syria did in Lebanon and I called on these boards to use ICC (Internationale Criminal court) to sue Syria for war crimes and more.

I won't comment the accusations u have on all other politicians u don't like, it's so ridiculous that u even mixed Aoun in the bag when the jerk was in FRance... r u serious when u write or so stupid u can't even read your own message... all people who are in m8 plotted the killing... even Jumblatt because he was promised many things for 2020... C'mon, after that I am the brainwashed person!!!!!

Yes, Hobeika wasn't going to testify against Sharon in the Sabra Shatlla, u know.. show proof then!

Missing mabboud 22:40 ,2011 تموز 17

Read this one for Hobeika's killing: http://www.worldpressblogs.com/Mideast/460.cfm

I would love to discover as u say, please support what u r saying with some links/documentation.... by the way, HA kills its own people, Israel never bombed anyone directly, all spies we have r either fake HA agents disguised in Mossad agent to help conspiracy theories shape better... even a bot programmed to write messages will do a better job...

I probably know civil war better than u unless u r so brainless that u still write idiotic messages at 30+ year... thx for the info about Syria not being good to Lebanon and the reason why they r behind the Shi3a... I think that everyone knows that... but what is your point behind it.. did I ever wrote that Syria is to be trusted and that they finance HA because they love democracy!!!! on what earth r u living, what board r u reading? why r u telling me that? u have a proof that I said different? did u answer any of my Qs? what subject r we discussing??

Missing mabboud 22:49 ,2011 تموز 17

Slash... what arguments did u present and what supports those arguments?

what's the subject?

Did I protect Syria regime or Iran regime anywhere on those boards?

what did I say on this board (just copy paste it) that u don't agree with, comment it and tell me how your posts are related to what I am saying... I might be too stupid to get it.. so please help me

u started with @mabboud and u covered topics that were not related with what I was saying and still, u don't want to answer simple questions or present elements that could help us move forward with a constructive discussion...

I can tell u how Israel is bad and how many people they killed in Lebanon and then jump to the conclusion that they did a specific killing... I don't do that because it will be simply stupid argumentation and if I keep repeating it, it doesn't change the fact that it would be baseless.. mazbout?

Missing mabboud 23:00 ,2011 تموز 17

Slash... Since u have been trying to explain to me whatever it is (I still don't understand what u r trying to explain to me, honestly!!). I'll help u making it simple; just answer my questions and ask me some in return if u want, it will make it easier for u and me.

Let's take the assumption that the STL proves the HA, Syria and Iran and few Lebanese politicians and Generals were guilty, I agree that it's done by the STL; what do u think will happem?

Do you think that Chapter 7 might be used to pressure or even attack Lebanon?

Do you think that the STL outcome will only help for next elections?
what will it do?

what's the perfect scenario u would like to see (excl. or ridiculous option)?

Right questions lead to finding the correct answers... this is how it works, we start questioning and then we use "critical thinking" but propaganda and inability to challenge arguments is just a HA attitude "statements" with little or no supportive documents=brainwashed reactions. just answer!

Thumb bashir 23:18 ,2011 تموز 17

mabboud, this isn't a Hezbollah run election, where you can votes 3-4 times.
you were wrong and ignorant the first time you posted, just quit while you are behind.

Missing mabboud 23:37 ,2011 تموز 17

bashir... what r u talking about? if u have no argumentation and can't argue, there is no need to write a message... it doesn't make u right to just say it...

Why is it so difficult to use your brain, is it because it's been so brainwashed that u can hardly even listen to yourself thinking??

we're not here to vote but to exchange ideas, u don't want, it's your choice, I am not forcing you, in fact I understand that u don't like arguing, u like brainwashed people, free minds frighten u so u prefer to classify people, makes it easier for you.. no problem, it's your choice.

Now, if u have something interesting to say, no problem I am here to discuss but if u think u r running at the front and I am behind, just run don't look behind... keep running!

Missing mabboud 23:52 ,2011 تموز 17

Thanks Slash for taking the time to answer; I agree with many things u say (most of them being simple facts) but what did u bring on top of facts, things that please you only... i.e. u added some comments to facts and jumped to conclusions using wishful thinking not critical thinking.

make it simple to me, maybe u jumped to fast to conclusions and just answer this simple question: how will the scenario articulate, how r we going to move forward?

Things are clear, HA won't play the STL game and STL ends proving that HA, Syria and Iran killed hariri... what's next, what will happen?

I will also love to see the world like Miss Universe i.e. peace, food & freedom for everyone, etc. but this ain't going to happen just because I want so or say that this is what is going to make the world a better place.

How do you see the ideal scenario for Lebanon? How will u remove HA arms, threats? What's the best story, outcome of the STL? Answer to the questions,? it should be simple... no?

Missing peace 23:57 ,2011 تموز 17

i agree with slash. all the politicians in lebanon maintain the chaos, corruption and so on because each one plays with the fears of the people to keep their intersts and power and political business they run and which they pass on to their family as heritage!

only an external intervention will be able to change things and get rid of our irresponsible politicians which don t care about peace or the lebanese but once again only care about their business!

Missing mabboud 00:01 ,2011 تموز 18

Slash... I know it's difficult but I am not getting answers, I would also love to have Lebanon managed like Sweden but how do u see it happen? how the STL will help? why and how will HA disarm? etc.

We need a plausible scenario to expose.... simplifying things is sometimes great but sometimes u need to think more to find questions first and then answers?

BTW I agree big time that the most important issue for people in Lebanon is "food on the table".

Missing mabboud 00:10 ,2011 تموز 18

Hallelujah!! we are agreeing on few things now.... it seems that discussions and dialogue can bring fruits on the table sometimes.

Peace, it good to say things like they are and I agree with the politician thing and fear but this is almost in any country (less exacerbated but still)... however, the solution comes only from the inside... the easy proof is History.

Internal problems can't be fixed by external forces, never... Leb people need to find a solution and it starts with questioning everything to try to find the right answers... dialogue and baby-steps are good ingredients though.

You see it happen from the outside (this is probably what we don't agree on); why? how? scenario? why would it be different than Yugoslavia scenario? you should be able to back your thinking, else is called brainwashed... mazbout?

Let's get answers now...

Missing peace 00:11 ,2011 تموز 18

so mowaten as you claim the stl is a joke , then explain to us please why and what benefits did israel have in the killing of hariri?


Missing mabboud 00:16 ,2011 تموز 18

Slash... I read carefully your message.... how do you see it happen? USrael attacks Lebanon to defeat HA? Civil war and we defeat HA? Partitioning Lebanon?.... getting answers is not wishful thinking slash... but it's a good start to know what u want... how u see it happen is the important thing, can I get few details please? Just try.. thanks.

Missing mabboud 00:22 ,2011 تموز 18

peace... STL is a joke is not equivalent to Israel killed hariri; why do u think that it's equivalent?

Let's say Syria killed him but that HA has nothing to do with it for instance, do u think that they will try to frame the HA or no? I am not saying that this is what happened but just using an example to help in explaining above point.

I wrote a lot about international justice, Special justice and gave I think enough material to question STL motives.... it can know who are the killers, it can even prove it but no matter what, it was set-up with a hidden agenda, to be used as a tool; many people say it and not only Lebanese and HA people or Aoun people just read...(http://humanrightsdoctorate.blogspot.com/2008/04/another-un-tribunal-proposed-for-bhutto.html

Missing mabboud 00:34 ,2011 تموز 18

peace.. ok we think together on why HA is buying land in xtian region... and then what? what does it bring in terms of conclusion? what do we do?

Answer to questions, we don't need to open another discussion on wht we would like the HA to do... we're trying to find answers by asking the good questions.. not questions that lead nowhere.. except if u have something to move forward on the why HA doing that or this... chou?

Missing mabboud 00:40 ,2011 تموز 18

ok slash.. let me see it correctly... u r saying that we have to wait for Syrian regime to fall.. correct? and then it will weaken the resistance correct? and then we can win HA without war, they will be so weak that they will have to align...

I said the resistance above and not HA because HA is seen by many arabs are resistance movement.. in Egypt, people made their revolution and they removed Mubarak, and now Israel is not happy, Egyptians are maximum anti-israel + HA prisoners escaped and came back to Lebanon.

This makes it hard to trust blindly as a scenario but it's ok, it is your scenario.

So STL will do nothing for Lebanon in fixing its problems and we wait for Syria regime to collapse and then we see... is that correct? STL won't be used to go to war in Lebanon or pressure Syria, send NATO or anything... mazbout? is that what u think? what would the STL bring?

Missing peace 00:43 ,2011 تموز 18

mabboud please read before answering... you mix everythg. i just answered to mabboud who said the stl is a joke because they accused HA. so i m asking that question because HA says it s israel who did it!

and if hezbollah didn t do it then it is able to prove it!

then we know your suspicion of international tribunals so i guess for you whoever is accused would be politization

Missing peace 00:47 ,2011 تموز 18

HA is doing that in my opinion to secure an escape route through the mountains to the north and also to disseminate its weapons in populated areas to deter israel from bombing them. i guess that westerners are waiting for the assad regime to fall or if it doesn t to make a deal with assad to close the borders to cut the weapons supply to HA.

so i guees HA knows that somethg big is preparing against it

Missing mabboud 00:51 ,2011 تموز 18

peace... STL is politicized from its inception, doesn't really matter to me who is accused.. if Syria had a deal with US to stop arming HA and even help disarming it, the STL wouldn't have found proof that Syria is implicated.

If you go trough all the links I posted u will understand why I think that way, if u just read the two links I posted 15mn ago, u will also see that people in the UN council think that way also (just read them).

Now, I did read and I know that u were asking Mowaten, I just pointed out that it was not equivalent, if u want to ask a question such as who did it or what benefit Israel could have by killing Hariri, ask the question but don't mix it with bad logic.

Additionally you also mix the fact that someone is guilty or innocent with the fact that they can prove that they are not guilty; that statement is already hard to make when u talk about someone like "the fugitive" (the movie) so what it it's HA, a terrorist org. do u think it will be that easy??

Thumb shab 00:53 ,2011 تموز 18

Couple of guys here with Israeli complexes. Hide under ground with you demigod fatso.

Missing mabboud 00:58 ,2011 تموز 18

peace.. let's say Syria did it and HA knows but HA is not guilty, what would you think they do?

HA is not responsible but has no evidence to prove who did it? what do they do?

HA knows that some investigators might have played with material elements to link the crime to some of its people.... but can't prove it.. what do they do?

Now HA killed Hariri and doesn't give a damn about the STL? what do you do? what the STL will do? what will happen?

You see, you can take many scenario and try to find answers, things are not just the way we state they are, there could be several options... if u don't think so then it's called brainwashed because we haven't seen anything conclusive about anything from the STL; we have few info in newspapers (but the Yugoslavia experience tells us not to trust everything we read).

Wise people take the time to study all possibilities and options and aren't afraid to question things even if it displeases them, I know u r not brainwashed so stop that game!

Missing peace 01:00 ,2011 تموز 18

there is no bad logic! mowaten believes like many HA fans that the tribunal is politicized because thet accused HA! they belive that israel did the crimes! so i m just asking then the benefits israel has...

don t mix movies with reality please! here it s you who has no logic! yes HA can bring evidence to innocent them! their divine man said he has everthg so why doesnt he bring it ti the court? why dosen t he send them to TVs to prove it if he has no trust in the justice?

who would you have chosen to investigate the murders mabboud and could be above any politization? if not the STL?

Missing peace 01:04 ,2011 تموز 18

of course mabboud nobody has seen anythg conclusive!!! are you serious or not?
the trial hasn t begun yet! everythg "conclusive" will only be shown in court not in the press!!!!

and speculating about what will happen, speculate if you know, for my part i just wait and see!
HA does what it wants! they don t want to show up it s their pb!

Missing mabboud 01:07 ,2011 تموز 18

ok peace.. so u know that HA is paranoid and planning for survival... what conclusions u think we should have?

You talked also about Assad might make a deal with the US... so Syria could in fact be utilized by US.. do u think that in such case the STL could be used to pressure Syria? in the case Syria cooperates and brakes its link to Iran, do u think that STL will find Syria guilty, that Assad will be assisted to select some scapegoat to give to the STL?

We have more in common than what u think peace... u simply are afraid to push questions to far to find answers...

HA are planning for next war but won't launch it unless corned, is that true; can I have such conclusion based on what was discussed today (I am including all comments)?

Syria could be still an option for US and vice-versa?

STL could be used as a tool to pressure more HA and less Syria... this u might not agree but I think it's obvious,

What's the ideal scenario?

Missing peace 01:18 ,2011 تموز 18

i m not afraid to push anythg, i just don t like to talk about things that are a loss of time. i am no political expert and to talk about how hezb should behave or how will they behave or how should the gvt behave is a loss of time!

i just find it plausible that HA and syria might be involved given their past and what they did and the benefits they have in killing hariri... they have never been accused of anythg and thought it would be the same this time! just remember the haste the gvt at the time had in cleaning the crime scene to make all evidence disappear!

Missing mabboud 01:20 ,2011 تموز 18

peace... the movie was just an example, I could talk to you of Nuremberg where innocent people were killed or Yugoslavia case, I posted a lot about the Special Tribunal for Yugoslavia and if u read, u will learn a lot.

It's crazy to think that HA people will be given justice (this doesn't mean not guilty or innocent); for your info, but it's ok, we can be naive and think that they could have a fair trial... I didn't kill Hariri i'm no HA and think they won't be getting a fair trial.. so why should they? HA choice of not going into the STL game could be of course they are guilty but could also be they don't want to give credibility to the STL and tarnish their image with their supporters (while being innocent... it could be).

u should be more consistent, u say that they should defend themselves else it proves they r guilty & when I tell u ok., what's next in your opinion u tell me that we need to wait for STL??

don't elude questions? what's the ideal scenario HA being proven guilty?

Missing mabboud 01:31 ,2011 تموز 18

BTW... peace, I am not arguing anymore if they r guilty or not, I am just trying to explain that there can be several options and that u shouldn't use unsound argumentation.

You draw conclusions based on something questionable (you question it yourself by saying let's see if the STL can prove it) but we shouldn't question your sophism... why is that? and if you think it's correct and holds well then why u don't say that STL will prove that they r guilty and then this is was I think will happen..... what is the problem with telling me what u think? I hope it's not because u were not brainwashed on that (just teasing u... I realy want to read how u see it ending, even several options).. Slash tried to come-out with a scenario, u should try as well...

Missing mabboud 02:06 ,2011 تموز 18

peace... u find it a waste of time to think about what could happen or how u envisage things but not a waste of time for repeating the same things several times.... ok, they cleaned the crime scene... we passed all that... HA is guilty, Syria and Iran... STL proves it, we have a list of questions and options to help think differently but it's ok... I agree u r right... why are u still arguing saying the same thing when we passed in 30 messages back at least.

Waste of time is talking to please yourself or comfort yourself that u r right... I told u I agree u r right... what is going to happen... is a waste of time?????

It's like if u r saying that brainwashing, propaganda and waiting for what comes next doing nothing except writing how people are bad and how world will be a better place if.... yes, it's like saying that all that is better than "critical thinking" and "brain at work" .... why??

Missing mabboud 02:16 ,2011 تموز 18

you know find it plausible that HA Syria might have plot to kill Hariri... ok me too but ...

Is it plausible that crime scene was cleaned defacto like any crime scene with the people who ordered to clean the scene not knowing who killed hariri? could they have just made a quick reasoning that it was probably Syria and acted as if this was the case? could it be?

Do u think that the STL could be used as a tool? is it plausible that Security Council pushed for it to pressure Syria/HA? Is it plausible that Chirac (wikileak) wanted to use STL to push for 1559?

Do u think that STL is good or bad for Lebanon stability?

How do u think we can fix HA problem, u talked about external intervention.. does it mean war?

Missing loveitorleaveit 05:34 ,2011 تموز 18

If one is innocent it will be easy to prove in court. If one is guilty one would hide and refuse to show up. Western courts are so fair that even OJ Simpson and a mother who murdered her baby get off without jail. Another clue of guilt: pre-judging innocence before even seeing the evidence. If you have evidence of who conducted the murders, bring it on. Killing is a sin. If you don't know who did it, then how do you know who didn't do it? It's so obvious they're acting guilty. We don't want to live in a mafia-run country where you can just execute anybody you don't like. We don't want to live in Iran. If you do, Please go there.

Thumb ado.australia 06:47 ,2011 تموز 18

Loveitorleaveit. Not that simple. The STL is not like western justice for their citizens. The prosecution can withhold evidence from the defense, and it would still be admitted by the judges as long as they give the defense a "summary of the main points". Witness can be called to give evidence without knowing their name and without the defense being granted the possibility to interrogate them. Imagine any accusation, Rumour or innuendo is presented as fact.  Imagine if u are accused and that your defense couldn't investigate the past of the plaintiff. You have the right to face your accuser. This is not what we know in the west as justice. I want justice, and for all, including the murder of francios el hajj, tuieni and sheik pierre...but this court needs to make some changes to it's procedure rules to be taken seriously. you talk about leaving to Iran? Why do you not talk about Saudi Arabia aswell

Missing people-power 07:25 ,2011 تموز 18

Ado... stop spreading lies. Nowhere in the rules of the STL does it say that accusations, rumors or innuendo are presented as fact. The suspects can dispute all evidence presented against them IN THE COURT OF LAW. Witness testimonies are not presented as "fact", but simply as "testimony", like in all court cases.

Witnesses are protected because we know what the murderers are capable of. Watch this video to see the mindset of your allies....


Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 07:25 ,2011 تموز 18

as i read these posts i wonder where the hell you guys come from ? do you really thinks the world gives a damn what you think . there is an investigation and expert working to solve this crime and they have come to a conclusion and indictment was issued and arrest warrant was issued . in your minds guilty or Innocent has nothing to do with reality . so please spare us the garbage and go do something constructive that someday you can look back on and say " i did that" and let the professionals at the ST L do their work and they will uncover the truth

Thumb ado.australia 07:55 ,2011 تموز 18

People power. This is not a lie. If evidence is given n court and witnesses give testimony and the defence is not capable of refuting, questioning the evidence and testimony than this the essentially good as fact. It is Undisputed testimony and evidence!!

If the truth and justice is really what is wanted then m14 should help address these concerns and help the STLs creditability. but I suspect from the video, your main concern is the Muslim cold war between Shiite and sunnis, Iran and saudi Arabia and not justice.

This YouTube video is of course very disturbing. But this is not Shiites Vs Sunnis as the comments suggest but this shows mafia gangs running wild, that have ruled Lebanon for the past 35years. Wha I noticed was even after they left, the pharmacist didn't even ring the police. Without a true Lebanese judiciary, no international court will help stop what happened in the video. We need to fix, help and reassert an independent Lebanese judiciary.

Missing people-power 09:14 ,2011 تموز 18

Ado..... Where did you get the idea that the defense is "not capable of refuting, or questioning the evidence and testimony" at the STL? That is absurd. The STL has hired expensive attorneys to represent the defense, if they cannot provide their own attorney, and the defense is fully capable of refuting all evidence and testimony presented by the prosecution.

The identities of some witnesses is being withheld to protect their safety. That hardly prejudices the defense as they can refute the witnesses testimony, as well as all other evidence.

Besides, this case is not based on the testimonies of witnesses. Get real. Witness testimony is "hearsay", and does not meet the "burden of proof" required to convict someone. Wait to see the evidence before you dismiss the court.

As far as your claim that the STL is not credible, you can make that claim all you want, but the only people that agree with you are M8 members, their followers, and their allies.

Missing mabboud 10:09 ,2011 تموز 18

bigdig, thx for your message... I guess than anyone from Alley or Jbeil knows who Maroun Abboud is, maybe few people here know about him.. u helped dig for others :)

Concerning rules & procedures, I invite everyone to download them and read them from the ST: website: it's better to talk about things we know and yes, there are very very unique rules & procedures to the STL

I'll also add few links... food 4 thoughts:

http://old.naharnet.com/domino/tn/NewsDesk.nsf/getstory?openform&D6235D25F51AFC19C225725F001FA807 (who and why?)

The best I could get in terms of answers to simple questions was that we will be waiting for Syrian, Iran to fall so HA will be weakened and then, magic, we will be all living happy 4 ever... "it's a kind of magic..."

Missing mabboud 11:06 ,2011 تموز 18

people-power, u continue asserting funny things (in fact it's hilarious how brainwashed u r):
"As far as your claim that the STL is not credible, you can make that claim all you want, but the only people that agree with you are M8 members, their followers, and their allies."

I posted a video in the above post where a French jurist says that STL is not credible and give a quick argumentation... only brainwashed people think that u have to be pro-HA to think that the STL is not credible. In fact, most men of law do consider that it lacks credibility, I can provide u with a list but u will probably tell me than I am posting from Dahye as an answer.

Few months ago there was a workshop at the USJ about the STL,(http://www.centre-catholique.com/newsdetails.asp?newid=47843) according to u, all those jurists are just HA followers even the priest!! r u serious?

I don't know why I am still trying to shake your brain with the hope that something clever could come out of it!!!

Thumb thepatriot 13:31 ,2011 تموز 18

We are all glad that you finally found a boyfriend. Congrats!

Missing mabboud 16:07 ,2011 تموز 18

thepatriot... I just hope that u will be able one day to finally find... a brain!!!

Missing mabboud 16:12 ,2011 تموز 18

thepatriot... I just hope that u will be able one day to finally find... a brain!!!