ريفي سيستقيل من منصبه في حال نُقل وسام الحسن من فرع المعلومات
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ربط مدير عام قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء اشرف ريفي بين "تغيير مدير فرع المعلومات العقيد وسام الحسن وتقديم استقالته الى الحكومة"، رافضا ان "يوقع على مذكرة بتشكيل الحسن وعندها بإمكان رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي مع حكومته تشكيل اللواء ريفي الذي سيقدم استقالته وكما سيفعل ذلك العقيد وسام الحسن".
ولفتت صحيفة "الديار" الى انه "قد يكون اللواء ريفي مرشحا للانتخابات النيابية في طرابلس عام 2013، اما بالنسبة للعقيد الحسن سيقدم استقالته ويكون الى جانب رئيس الحكومة الاسبق سعد الحريري مستشارا أمنياً له او سيسافر الى باريس ولكن مع عائلته كما فعل المقدم سمير شحادة رئيس فرع المعلومات سابقا الذي تعرض لمحاولة اغتيال وسافر الى كندا في مهمة".

People forget that they are mere employees! Who are you to decide who is suitable and not suitable for the job!

@ lebneneh
This nomination is under the Authority of the ISF General. Not under any other person. The politicians have no legal authority to interfere here.

Great news! The very first thing this country needs to do is get rid of this filthy moron of a security chief!

lol...rifi get lost...how come he is still in his position after that orego thing. To point guns at the minister he should be in prison.

I hear and read many comments from people about how much they hate or want Wissam Al Hassan to resign. These people are merely mirroring what their warlord leaders say and want coz the normal person on the street or the one that writes here stupid comments about the topic has no idea about the performance of this man or others in positions such as his. Invariably, all positions such as this are reserved for the various sects. I have never seen the ISF intelligence bureau close the airport road, raise arms against fellow Lebanese, smuggle, money launder, sell narcotics which others have done. His only mistake is he is of Harriri's political camp. That is why the Shiites and Aoun want him out, each for their own agenda. The unveiling of several Israeli cells is testimony to his performance! So, stop evaluating people based on ur religious bias and hatred.

So what shall we do now? Cry? Cry alone, babies. As if this couple alla khala2on wa kasar al eleb!!! malla wa2e7a. Yalla, the party and the Party are both over.

Executive, high ranking holding National Secrets should be barred from leaving country. If not they will become tool of evil, they will sell National secrets for their ego.