موقع إسرائيلي: مصطفى بدر الدين هو قائد أركان حزب الله وعلاقته وطيدة مع نصرالله
Read this story in Englishكشف موقع مختص في شؤون "الإرهاب" ويسمي نفسه "910" عن هوية قائد أركان حرب حزب الله الجديد والذي استلم مهام منصبه بعد اغتيال القائد السابق عماد مغنية، حيث نشر الموقع صوراً نادرة له والتي لم تعرض من قبل.
وأشار الموقع بحسب وكالة "صفا" الفلسطينية إلى أن القائد الجديد يدعى "مصطفى أمين بدر الدين من مواليد العام 1961 ويعتبر من مؤسسي التنظيم ورجل الظل وقائد عملياته الخاصة سابقاً قبل أن يستلم مهام منصبه الحالية خلفاً لمغنية".
يذكر أنه تتهم المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان بدر الدين بالإشراف على اغتيال رئيس الوزراء الأسبق رفيق الحريري ورفاقه مع 3 متهمين آخرين في 14 شباط 2005.
ويسمي هذا الموقع نفسه على اسم خلية العمليات الخارجية في حزب الله 910، حيث يكافح هذا الموقع للحصول على معلومات عن هذه الوحدة وهذا الشخص بالتحديد ووضع مكافئة مالية لمن يدلي بمعلومة عنه.
ويذكر بأن بدر الدين يعاني من إصابة سابقة في رجله اليمنى، ويتمتع بعلاقات وطيدة مع أمين عام الحزب السيد حسن نصر الله وعلاقات قوية مع إيران.
وقد اعتقل بدر الدين في بداية الثمانينات على يد السلطات الكويتية بعد محاولته مع آخرين تفجير السفارة الأميركية في الكويت بالإضافة إلى محاولته اغتيال أمير الكويت، وقد قام عماد مغنية في أعقاب ذلك بمحاولات مضنية للإفراج عنه ومن بينها قيامه بخطف طائرة كويتية في نهايات العام حيث قتل أمريكيان على متن الطائرة عام 1984.
ولم تنجح كل هذه المحاولات في فك أسره حتى احتل صدام الكويت وفتح السجون حيث تمكن من الهرب باتجاه إيران واختفى هناك لفترة حتى عاد أخيرا إلى لبنان.
وفي إطار عمله يعتبر بدر الدين مسؤولاً عن الوحدة رقم 910 وهي وحدة العمليات الخارجية في حزب الله التي يدعي الموقع أنها "هي المسؤولة عن تنفيذ العملية التفجيرية في باص السياح بمدينة بورغاس البلغارية في تموز من العام الماضي" دائما بحسب الوكالة التي نقلت عن الموقع الإسرائيلي.
Naharnet picked a nice pic. I hope he'll be the shooting line of a scope and neutralized.
No wonder the STL picked him, high value target for them. But did they really think they could get Hezbollah's military commander so easily?
you and your israeli friends do what you can, anyways you will try, and Hezbollah will do what it can. History will tell.
God Bless Sayyed Hassanallah for promoting this hero, this saint, this warrior to the position of Commander In Chief of the combined Lebanese-Resistance Armed Forces. Commander Mustapha and his 910 unit are the core and pillars of our noble resistance. His contributions in the Harriri murder, the battle of Qusayr, and the assassination of Wisam Hassan are immense. His latest successes in Damascus and soon in Kalamoun region in Syria are testimony to his battle hardened experience and perseverance. God Bless this Saint and may the Lord give him many seeds. Karbalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
thank you naharnet for allowing w.muallem/iceman/rtf/popeye/firetruck/lovetheshah/hornet/casper to maake intelligent content adding much needed value to conversations (((:
Other countries breed nobel prize laureates. We breed Badreddine and nabih berri....
lol @ israeli propaganda
they know exactly what to do and say in order to flame strife, and naharnet helps them do this ((:
israel says they do, and m14 have a strong affinity to israeli propaganda because they've always been and are collaborators with the enemy pseudostate ((:
u people are full of hatred and unreasonable thinking. what makes me laugh more is that you are convinced that Hizbullah killed Hariri and what more funny is that u were convinced even before the stupid fake tribunal got into such conclusion.
what makes me laugh is that you are convinced the tribunal is fake. seriously, if you are going to tell people that they are thinking unreasonably, at the very least you shouldn't follow it up with an unreasonable thought on the very next statement. BTW- not sure why you are complaining about your "u people" hating someone who is murdering your fellow Lebanese!
They don't care for a "Fellow Lebanese" unless it's a member of Hezb. They only care for the "Fellow Iranian!" Khosh amidid!
Ur M8 goons won't enjoy reading the truth. I can guarantee u this. Expect the redthumb brigade aka 1 lunatic loser to punish u 4 this.
If u do speak Italian, u could get a real job with the unifil instead of getting paid 2 spread hatred here for a few hundred bucks.
So, there is now, and there has been for a while, two outside major Middle Eastern foreign players competing in Lebanon. Rafik Hariri who was directly and intimately connected to and serves the prime interests of KSA in Lebanon even more so than Hasan Nasrallah to Iran. I say that since Nasrallah does not have family connection with Iranian royalty. So, some say killing Hariri would not benefit Iran, Syria and/or H.A. who have Lebanon in a choke hold as opposed to Hariri who was loved by the majority? Now unless, there was a subsequent, contemporaneous, competing, intervening event Hariri did that jeopardized KSA and its ally the U.S., and those who were in control of Beirut at the time of the assassination who thought could kill two birds with one stone by killing Hariri, and logically pointing the fingure towards Syria and H.A. If that was the case, please provide us with something that resembles a 180 turn by Hariri.
Liefighter: Why even ask such a question? People like me believe in the meaningful alliances that we forge, the roads that we pave and the destiny of the "Wattan" for all. We don't follow figureheads whether born out of armies, royalties or religion. Having said that, as far as I am concerned the jury is out on Aoun, and may be it is so since his hands are rather dirty. But than again, whose hands are not?
He answered u. R u mentally challenged? 1+1=2 can't u figure it out?
Grow a brain inslide
U r so funny.
The shias did destroy lebanon 's forests to build on them.... Shame.
Tonto, I live in a city that also exist in Spain with a huge football team but in some place in latin america... Prove u have a brain and solve the riddle 4 the sake of fun.
Nope, not from Argentina. + u didn't name my city.
U need 2 get both in order 2 win the special Haide.salad prize. Its a 1 time offer only.
There is only 1 race, the human 1. Grow a brain. I was just saying that the shias of lebanon cut all trees and woods 2 build on them. Its the truth... Sorry it hurt u.
Tell me how many trees u counted last time u were in Dahya?
why should it matter who benefited from the killing of Hariri and How do you prove how they benefited. I assume you want us to say Israel benefited. I don't see how and we can argue about it for a long time. assuming they did benefit, how is that proof that they did it? I mean some man's ex-wife is killed and he benefits by by not having to pay her anymore, but it does not mean he killed her. So I don't get your point. I think you know who did it but you are unable to say it, for many reasons.
ur words r a waste of oxygen. in ur case it's also a waste of electricity and technology...
First. Where did I mention anything about wilayat el faqih? Ever? Second, just because Israel murdered Lebanese that does not mean that HA did not murder fellow Lebanese. So your reply comical. Th
Third. I don't need anyone to feed me Anthony for me to recognize when something is real and something is fake all on my own. I bet you are the type of person that grew up thinking wrestling was real and when you turned 25 and realized that it was choreographed you stopped believing anything was real and started believing everything is a conspiracy. Good luck in life sir. You are going to need it.
Another Israeli Hoax! Only God knows what Israel is plotting now and why they published this picture at this time. "An Israeli Website expert on terrorism" mmmm, seems very suspicious to me. Maybe Israel is planning to assassinate another figure in Lebanon same as the previous assassinations and blame it on Hezbollah. War against Hezbollah did not work, STL blaming Syria for the assassination of Hariri did not work, then blaming Hezbollah, now again blaming Syria, Iran and Hezbollah... soon they might blame Russia (oops hope I didn't reveal too much...). Anything coming from Israeli intelligence or media is non-credible in my opinion.
poor hezbi lovers... who cares about who is the new military commander of hezbis?
he would still be a militiaman under the orders of tehran... hezbis obey iran but do not care about lebanon and hezbis lovers call their opponents traitors or zionists? LOL how hypocrit they are by supporting a militia that OPENLY said they OBEY iran...
if that is not treason then what is it? LOL
" For you all shall not escape the wrath of GOD"
Lol another one knowing what God will do! waw!
The guy doesn't look really smart or humble, rather stupid and arrogant. That's how he was very quickly discovered as a Hizbullah operative.
I saw him the other day on TV while he was paying a getting-to-know-you visit to Field Marshal Fares Soaid of the allied Farts 14 and Sanni First forces.