سليمان حذر اسرائيل من اي قرار حول الحدود البحرية يخالف القانون الدولي

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حذر رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال سليمان من أية قرارات أحادية تتخذها اسرائيل في موضوع الحدود البحرية خلافاً للقوانين الدولية على جاري عادتها في العديد من المواضيع، مؤكداً إصرار لبنان واستعداده للدفاع عن أرضه وحدوده البرية والبحرية وحماية حقوقه وثرواته بكافة الوسائل المتاحة والمشروعة.

وأكد الرئيس سليمان أن هذه القضية يجب أن تكون موضع بحث ودرس في مجلس الوزراء الذي يعقد جلسته الاولى بعد نيل الحكومة الثقة الخميس المقبل من أجل اتخاذ الموقف الرسمي على مستوى السلطة الاجرائية الذي يحفظ سيادة لبنان على أرضه وموارده.

ومن زوار بعبدا، من وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل الذي اطلع سليمان على الوضع الامني في البلاد والخطوات التي يقوم بها لتفعيل عمل الوزارة خصوصاً في موسم السياحة والاصطياف.

التعليقات 15
Thumb bashir 14:38 ,2011 تموز 11

Does Israel even understand what the word 'border' means?

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 14:51 ,2011 تموز 11

Israel has a right to this land! It is theirs.

Thumb bashir 14:57 ,2011 تموز 11

maritime borders. not land. idiot.

Default-user-icon Kamil Saab (ضيف) 15:12 ,2011 تموز 11

le phenicien, go to hell ya ahbal. Your nothing but a filthy racist. Jesus would never accept you as his follower. Zionist israel never had a right to anything and it is only a matter of time before you will stand in a corner ashamed of your fitni, racism and support for israel. And the most funny thing is how you are 100 % pro hezballah and israel at the same time. Hezballah would have you fried had they bothered to find you. But they dont bother with that because they know your a nobody, an unemployeed looser who spends his time all day on naharnet. Get a life looser.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 15:19 ,2011 تموز 11

Technically it is land, as it doesn't own the water but what's underneath. This s what I learned at march 8 school.

Default-user-icon TitusLivius (ضيف) 15:53 ,2011 تموز 11

Israel has already coerced the Greeks into prematurely accepting the maritime borders of the coast of Cyprus in an illegal agreement. Hence the denial of the flotilla to Gaza.
Israel has already divided up the spoils between Noble Energy (an Israeli front company) Delek Drilling, the Ofer brothers conglomerate and the owner of the New york Plaza Miki Naftali, CEO of El-Ad properties with ~Lev Leviev who bought the first apartment for $10 million a silent partner.
The Leviathan gas fields, Tamar 1 and Tamar 2 and an abundance of gas, at least 25 trillion cubic meters; over a billion barrels of sweet crude, lie of the coast of Gaza, Israel and Lebanon. The Israelis are claiming outright ownership although the US accepted Lebanon's maritime borders two days ago. The Israelis intend to dispute this. The Turks are keeping quiet for the moment but will probably side with Gaza and Lebanon. Israel being vulnerable to the gas pipeline from Egypt being blown up will try to steal these resources

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 15:58 ,2011 تموز 11

ok...bashir...since we seem to agree about the zionist mentality (which is a big way for national unity ahahahha), what is your proposal how to deal with them stealing our oil and gas? file a protest in the un? crawl to usa to give us minor parts of our rights? make a public appearance in bristol hotel to condemn zionist entity? TELL ME WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE THE RESISTANCE????? do you have one? effective one? democratic one?

Default-user-icon Hombre (ضيف) 16:22 ,2011 تموز 11

bashir, when referring to Le Finicien "idiot" goes without saying.. but nevertheless I'm glad you said it.

Missing peace 16:51 ,2011 تموز 11

there are strict laws concerning maritime borders, israel may try to steal but if lebanon claims its right israel can t go against!

it s not the first time a country tries to take more than its share, france and canada are arguing about the same pb at the UN.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 20:25 ,2011 تموز 11

of course bashir and other anti resistance are now silent because they have no solution except for the resistance. hey are silent now. they crawled back into their holes and keep silence on the matter. because they have no solution. because they are chickens. because they don't know what sacrifice is. what the strong will is. this is how people like bashir, sasi, startrip ans shab deal with facts of life: denial.

Default-user-icon aloush (ضيف) 21:28 ,2011 تموز 11

fellow shiite bro finicien i tell u right now the imam is pissed royally, he was in his room cursing like a drunken sailor and we know he doesn't sail. he realized that the readers of naharnet can tell when u r not posing as a christian but posting as ur shiite self jabal amel by the fact that he/u keep forgetting to answer ur character the crazy racist christian, i'm at the husseiniya with the boys and some popcorn the imam has a special show for u, u let six years of undercover work go down the drain and them fireworks gonna fly

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (ضيف) 21:49 ,2011 تموز 11

What's the Pres gonna do? Sick his pathetic army after Israel or the murdering Hizthrowup? I cared so much for Lebanon until recently when I saw it cave to the will of arms threatening. May peace be with Israel and the "real" Lebaon.

Thumb bashir 01:51 ,2011 تموز 12

ya amel al jamal,

the 'Resistance' can not win militarily against Israel/USA. They can hide underground and claim 'victory' by merely staying alive, while Lebanese civilians die by the thousands, but they will never win anything.EVER.

The government has only one option, to appeal to the UN and to manage the PR war, and to avoid Hexbollah from hijacking this issue to press there phony war against Israel.

Thumb thepatriot 10:53 ,2011 تموز 12

@ jabal
Lebanon would be better off without the so called resistance!
Without HB, we would probabely have quiet borders like Egypt or Jordan! And after a security period, I suppose they would give shebaa as well (supposing they would have no more excuse to keep it, and under international pressure)
The reason why Israel is giving us a hard time is because of the black beards!
ya jabal...
how are your people resisting??
They do nothing, they are 30km from the border!
We don't need your turban head thugs, nor do we need their weapons.
We want the Lebanese army deployed along the border,
we want a quiet border,
we want those legal maters taken care by the proper authorities without threats and tensions!
We want to live in peace!
The only instability factor in this country is bloody Hezballah! NO TO HB!!

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 12:08 ,2011 تموز 12

bashir and "the traitor".

you lie and live in denail, and your denial is so strong that you give up on idea of lebanon.