United States of America
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Mexico Picks Up 23 Cuban Migrants at Sea

Mexico's navy picked up 23 Cuban migrants Sunday after they became adrift at sea while trying to reach its shores, and authorities said the boat-people would be repatriated back to the Communist island nation. 

The migrants were plucked from homemade rafts in two separate incidents off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula, the navy said.

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Kerry Warns 'Provocative' N. Korea of Fresh Sanctions

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned North Korea Monday of possible fresh sanctions as he slammed Kim Jong-Un's "egregious" leadership with its reliance on reckless provocation and "grotesque" executions.

Speaking in the South Korean capital Seoul, Kerry said the recent test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) showed that North Korea had no genuine interest in engaging with the international community.

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Full Rail Service to Resume in U.S. Northeast after Deadly Crash

Rail service will resume between Philadelphia and New York on Monday, following a deadly crash that left eight people dead and more than 200 injured along the popular train route. 

Amtrak Train 188 was traveling at more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) per hour -- twice the speed limit -- when the driver slammed on the emergency brakes just before it derailed in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

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U.S. Raid in Syria Killed 32 IS Members, including 4 Leaders

A U.S. special forces raid in eastern Syria killed 32 members of the Islamic State jihadist group, including four leaders, a monitoring group said Sunday.

"The U.S. operation killed 32 members of IS, among them four officials, including IS oil chief Abu Sayyaf, the deputy IS defense minister, and an IS communications official," said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

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Report: German Spy Agency 'Helped U.S. Find bin Laden'

Germany's foreign intelligence agency helped the CIA track down Osama bin Laden in Pakistan where U.S. special forces killed the al-Qaida leader, according to a German news report published Sunday.

The BND spy service provided a tip-off that bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan, with the knowledge of Pakistani security services, according to the Bild am Sonntag report, which was published as the agency is battling heavy criticism in a spy scandal.

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Iran Aid Ship to Dock in Yemen Thursday

An Iranian aid ship bound for Yemen in defiance of U.S. warnings has entered the Gulf of Aden and is expected to reach port on Thursday, media reported.

The vessel, the Iran Shahed, is carrying 2,500 tonnes of aid including flour, rice, canned food, medical supplies and bottled water, all urgently needed in the conflict-wracked and impoverished state. 

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Briton among Three Killed in Taliban Attack on EU Vehicle in Kabul

A British security contractor and two teenage girls were killed Sunday when a Taliban insurgent rammed an explosives-laden car into a European Union police vehicle in Kabul, the latest attack of Afghanistan's fighting season.

At least 18 people were wounded in the assault, which comes three days after 14 people -- mostly foreigners -- were killed in a Taliban attack on a Kabul guest house that trapped dozens attending a concert.

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Morsi Verdict Alarms U.S., Experts See 'War' on Brotherhood

The United States voiced alarm Sunday at death sentences handed to Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi and dozens of others, a verdict experts called a declaration of "total war" on his Muslim Brotherhood.

Morsi was among more than 100 defendants ordered by an Egyptian court on Saturday to face the death penalty for their role in a mass jailbreak during the 2011 uprising.

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U.S. Commandos Kill Top IS Leader in Syria Raid

U.S. commandos killed a senior Islamic State group leader in a nighttime raid into Syria, American officials said Saturday, as IS jihadists seized the northern part of Syria's ancient desert city of Palmyra.

Across the border, IS battled Iraqi army reinforcements in the strategic western city of Ramadi, while Turkey said its armed forces had shot down a Syrian helicopter that had violated its airspace.

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U.S. Slams Gambia's President for 'Unconscionable' Gay Comments

The United States slammed Gambian President Yahya Jammeh on Saturday for "unconscionable" remarks, after the West African leader reportedly threatened to slit the throats of gay men in his country.

In a public speech this month, Jammeh said he would slit the throats of men who wanted to marry other men in the small West African nation, according to Human Rights Campaign. 

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