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Two Killed, Five Wounded as Clashes Resume in Tripoli

Two people were killed on Thursday as sniper attacks resumed in the northern city of Tripoli, reported Voice of Lebanon radio.

The dead include a child from the Zahra family, it added.

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Groups Seeking to Carry out Assassinations in Lebanon Backed by Major Intelligence Agencies

The sides that are seeking to carry out assassinations in Lebanon are too powerful to be thwarted by the local authorities, revealed security circles to al-Joumhouria newspaper on Thursday.

They said that these groups “are backed by major intelligence agencies that have dedicated billions of dollars for them.”

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Qortbawi Says 2 Detainees, Allegedly Linked to Qaida Network, Released

Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi revealed on Thursday that authorities released two detainees allegedly charged with forming an armed terrorist group and undermining the authority of the state, as well as having links to al-Qaida.

The two members allegedly belong to a six-member network that infiltrated Lebanon to carry out “sabotage” operations.

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Jumblat: General Security has Become a Proxy for Syrian Regime

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Wednesday charged that “the General Security has become a proxy for the Syrian regime,” voicing solidarity with President Michel Suleiman over the issue of administrative appointments.

The General Directorate of General Security “has become a proxy for the Syrian regime and it acted in a foolish way, as it could have sent a judicial warrant to (Salafist activist Shadi) al-Mawlawi instead of luring him into a trap, not to mention the story of the Jordanian who was exported by Iran to Syria and by Syria to Lebanon in a story that reminds us of Shaker al-Absi.”

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Faisal al-Moqdad: Whoever Antagonizes Syria in Lebanon Will Lose

Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Moqdad on Wednesday said his country was suffering “attacks by terrorist groups across the Lebanese border,” adding that “Lebanese parties are supporting these terrorists.”

“The Lebanese supporters of these terrorist groups are well-known and we have documented and precise information in this regard,” Moqdad said in an interview with al-Manar television.

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Charbel, Islamists Agree on Mawlawi Re-interrogation, Roads Reopened as Sit-in Remains

An agreement was reached on Wednesday between Interior Minister Marwan Charbel, Islamic committees and the committee following up on the case of Islamist detainees, under which Salafist activist Shadi al-Mawlawi will be re-interrogated on Thursday under the supervision of Judge Saqr Saqr and in the presence of Mawlawi’s lawyers.

Following the agreement, Islamist protesters reopened roads leading to Tripoli’s al-Nour Square but decided to maintain their sit-in until Thursday afternoon.

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One Dead, 10 Hurt as Clashes Renew in Bab al-Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen

A person was killed and at least 10 others were wounded on Wednesday as clashes renewed in Tripoli despite the presence of Interior Minister Marwan Charbel in the northern city, the scene of three days of deadly clashes which ended by a ceasefire on Tuesday.

A security official speaking on condition of anonymity told Agence France Presse the shooting broke out after soldiers tried to remove barricades in the city's Bab al-Tabbaneh neighborhood.

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March 14 Blames Syria for Tripoli Clashes, Demands Arab, Intl’ Aid to Control Lebanese-Syrian Border

The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Wednesday the recent clashes in Tripoli, accusing Syria of being behind the unrest as it is seeking to spread its crisis to Lebanon.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “The unrest was sparked at the order of Syrian President Bashar Assad in order create violence in Lebanon and the region in response to his collapse on the internal scene.”

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Charbel Urges Officials to Assume Responsibilities, Deal with Gunmen in Tripoli

Interior Minister Marwan Charbel urged officials on Wednesday to assume its responsibilities and take a cohesive political decision in dealing with the gunmen in Tripoli.

“We are ready to discuss the recent incidents with all the parties in Tripoli in order to preserve security in the city,” Charbel told reporters after chairing a security meeting at the Tripoli Serail.

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Geagea Rejects 1960 Electoral Law: March 14 Camp Will Never Accept Delay of Elections

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted that flaws in representation in parliamentary electoral laws have existed since 1990, reported al-Akhbar newspaper Wednesday.

He told the newspaper: “It is time to rectify the flaw according to the Taif Accord … and we definitely oppose the 1960 law.”

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