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Facebook Cuts 'Uprising' Page After Israel Protest

Facebook on Tuesday removed a page calling on Palestinians to take up arms against Israel, following a high-profile Israeli appeal to the popular social-networking site.

The affair highlighted how Facebook is increasingly involved in charged political conflicts, balancing between protecting freedom of expression and defending against hate speech.

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India's 'Digital Divide' Worst Among BRICs

Most Indians are missing out on the "digital revolution" due to poor Internet access for the nation's poor, despite the economy boasting one of the world's strongest growth rates, a study found.

The study said India was at "extreme risk" from a lack of "digital inclusion" -- along with sub-Saharan Africa -- as a vast proportion of its 1.2 billion population were being left behind shut out of the so-called.

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Taiwan Fair to See 100 Tablet Launches

The co-sponsor of Asia's leading IT trade fair is expecting up to 100 tablet computers to be launched at the event in May, with technology firms vying for a slice of Apple's success with the iPad.

Chang Li, secretary-general of the Taipei Computer Association, which co-sponsors the 2011 Computex Taipei trade fair, said that the sector was increasingly shifting towards the tablet market.

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Bloggers Join Hands to Create Japan 'Quakebook'

Inspired by a desire to help victims of Japan's deadly earthquake, a group of bloggers and writers have come together through the Internet to create a book of stories about the disaster.

The result, "Quakebook", is a moving collection of photos, memories and reflections about the massive tremor and monster tsunami that demonstrates the power of the web to unite people around the world in times of tragedy.

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Amazon Planning Online Storage

U.S. online retail giant Amazon is planning to launch a "cloud" service for storing videos and music online, enabling individuals to access their files from a range of digital devices, the Wall Street Journal said.

The Seattle, Washington-based Amazon may announce the project as early as Tuesday, said the financial daily, citing sources close to the matter.

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Wi-Fi Cars Hitting the Information Superhighway

More cars are hitting the information superhighway thanks to new automotive Wi-Fi technology that allows vehicles to become rolling "hot spots."

Analysts say consumers are warming to the notion of more connectivity in their cars, with "apps" for information and entertainment just as they have with their smartphones or tablet computers.

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Nintendo Ready to Take 3-D Gaming to Mass Market

With the Nintendo 3DS, the Japanese video game company is betting that it can once again nudge mass entertainment in a new direction, just as it did nearly five years ago when it launched the Wii with its innovative motion-based controller.

This time, though, the competition from other devices is tougher.

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Google Goes 'Gaga' Over Pop Diva's Visit

Pop diva Lady Gaga has thrilled Google employees during a visit to the Internet giant's headquarters in which she answered questions from tech-savvy fans.

She broke from her Monster Ball tour on Tuesday for an interview with Google's Marissa Mayer, who asked the singer questions submitted using Twitter or through a Google Moderator service at her YouTube channel.

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Tech-Savvy Indians Cry Out for Apple's Attention

Namrata, a Delhi University student, turned an iPad tablet computer round in her hands at an electronics store in the city. It is Apple's latest must-have item -- yet it is already out of date.

"No, I'll wait for the iPad 2," she said, putting it back on the shelf, aware that the improved version has already gone on sale in the United States. "Perhaps my aunt in Australia will be able to send me one soon," she said.

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France Fines Google 100,000 Euros Over Street View

France's data privacy regulator said Monday it had imposed a record fine of 100,000 euros ($142,000) on Google for having collected private information while compiling its panoramic Street View service.

"It is a record fine since we obtained the power in 2004 to impose financial sanctions in 2004," the head of the CNIL regulator, Yann Padova, was quoted as saying in the daily Le Parisien.

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