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Berri Seeks to Re-launch Dialogue, Urges Officials Not to Interfere in Syria

Speaker Nabih Berri is expected to meet President Michel Suleiman before the end of this week to discuss with him the possibility of resuming dialogue between the Lebanese foes.

Berri said in comments to As Safir newspaper published on Monday that he will discuss with Suleiman the chances of resuming the national dialogue, to inquire him about the reasons that are preventing the launching of the all-party talks.

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Arabs Propose Plan to End Syria Unrest, Doha Warns against 'Maneuvers'

The Arab League on Sunday proposed a plan to end the bloodshed in Syria and expects President Bashar al-Assad's response on Monday, Qatar's foreign minister told reporters.

An Arab ministerial team "agreed on a serious proposal to stop the killing and all forms of violence in Syria," Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani told reporters after more than three hours of talks in Doha between a group of Arab foreign ministers and a Syrian team led by their Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem.

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Mansour Discusses Syrian Crisis with Emir of Qatar

Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour held talks Sunday in Doha with Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani on the bilateral ties between the two countries and the situations in the Arab region, “particularly in Syria,” Lebanon’s official National News Agency reported.

Tension on the Lebanese-Syrian border has mounted since a revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime erupted in March and some 5,000 Syrians, among them defecting soldiers and opposition activists, have sought refuge in Lebanon.

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European Parliament Head: Referring Assad to ICC Something Possible

Referring embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the International Criminal Court is “something possible,” European Parliament chief Jerzy Buzek said on Sunday.

In an interview with the U.S.-funded, Arabic-language Radio Sawa, Buzek noted that the international community was “definitely seeking to aid the Syrian people,” but noted that “there is a difference between the Syrian issue and the Libyan issue.”

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2 Syrians Dead as China Urges End to 'Dangerous Situation'

China's Middle East envoy Wu Sike cautioned Syria during a visit to Damascus of the dangers of a government crackdown on dissent that he said "cannot continue," he told reporters in Cairo on Sunday.

Wu said that he "affirmed to senior officials in Syria of the danger of the situation and that it cannot continue," during his visit to Damascus on Thursday.

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Activists Urge Arab League to Freeze Syria Membership

Syrian activists on Sunday urged the Arab League to freeze the country's membership in the 22-member organization over the deadly crackdown on pro-democracy protests.

The Syrian Revolution 2011, one of the motors of the dissent, made the appeal after almost 100 people died Friday and Saturday in the bloodiest two days of the uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime.

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Jumblat Hails PSP’s Participation in March 14 Independence Revolution

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat said Sunday that the reconciliation with former Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir and the PSP’s participation in the March 14 forces had a positive impact on the party.

The reconciliation was “illuminating,” Jumblat said in a speech at his party’s general assembly in Aley.

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Aridi Says Media Council Only Advisory Board as Fears Rise of Internet Censorship

Public Works Minister Ghazi Aridi stressed on Sunday that the National Audiovisual Media Council does not have the right to ask Lebanese website hosts to register their sites at the Council.

Aridi, who is a former information minister, told al-Mustaqbal daily that the council is only an advisory board and cannot issue such decisions.

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General Security Confirms Arrest of Syrian for Smuggling Arms

The General Security Department has confirmed the arrest of a Syrian national but said the man was seized on charges of weapons smuggling.

In a communiqué issued late Saturday, the department’s general directorate dismissed a report by Future TV that Amer Omar Adib was arrested “without any justification.”

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Assad Says Western Action would Cause 'Quake,' Appeals for Russian Support

Syrian President Bashar Assad has warned that any Western action against his country would cause an "earthquake" that would inflame the region, in an interview published in a British newspaper.

The Sunday Telegraph said Assad warned of "another Afghanistan" if foreign forces intervened in Syria as they did with the Libyan uprising that led to the killing of Moammar Gadhafi.

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