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Three-man Soyuz Flight Honouring Gagarin Blasts Off for ISS

A three-man crew blasted off to the International Space Station Friday in a capsule honouring the 60th anniversary of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becoming the first person in space.

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NASA's Ingenuity Helicopter Survives First Night Alone on Mars

NASA's Ingenuity mini-helicopter has survived its first night alone on the frigid surface of Mars, the US space agency said, hailing it as "a major milestone" for the tiny craft as it prepares for its first flight.

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'Dangerous' Radioactive Material to be Moved from Zahrani Oil Installations

Around two kilograms of radioactive material containing depleted uranium will be moved from the state-run Zahrani Oil Installations (ZOI) in the South to the stores of the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission, ZOI director Ziad al-Zein said on Friday.

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Tunisia Engineers Reach for Stars with Satellite Launch

Tunisia celebrated the launch Monday of its first domestically made satellite, hoping it would inspire young engineers to reach for the stars at home rather than join those emigrating overseas.

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Russia Launches 38 Satellites for 18 Countries

A Russian Soyuz rocket blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Monday carrying 38 foreign satellites after takeoff was twice postponed due to technical issues, Russian space agency Roscosmos said.

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No Threat to Earth as Huge Asteroid Zooms Past

The largest asteroid to pass by Earth this year has made its closest approach, posing no threat of a cataclysmic collision but giving astronomers a rare chance to study a rock formed during the beginning of our solar system.

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Launch Postponed for Soyuz Rocket with 38 Foreign Satellites

The launch of a Russian Soyuz rocket, with 38 foreign satellites on board, has been postponed until Sunday, the Russian space agency Roscosmos said.

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Emblems of a City, the Bats of Abidjan Face Troubled Future

At evening's twilight, the skies over Abidjan's business quarter are darkened by bats squeaking their way between buildings, flying across Ivory Coast's economic hub in the tens of thousands.

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Israeli 5-Minute Battery Charge Aims to Fire Up Electric Cars

From flat battery to full charge in just five minutes -- an Israeli start-up has developed technology it says could eliminate the "range anxiety" associated with electric cars.

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SpaceX Rocket Explodes on Ground after Seemingly Successful Flight

Third time's a charm? Not so for SpaceX, whose unmanned rocket exploded on the ground Wednesday after carrying out what had seemed to be a successful flight and landing -- fresh on the heels of two fiery crashes.

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