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Report: Le Drian discussed Lebanon with Saudi official in Riyadh

French President's Special Envoy to Lebanon Jean-Yves Le Drian has visited Riyadh last week and met with Saudi Royal Court adviser Nizar al-Aloula over the Lebanese presidential file, diplomatic sources told al-Joumhouria newspaper.

Le Drian discussed with Aloula the results of the five-nation group's initiative and his last meeting with U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein, the daily said Monday.

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LF MP says Berri 'schizophrenic' as Amal, Hezbollah cancel meeting with opposition

Opposition lawmakers were supposed to meet on Friday and Monday with Amal and Hezbollah MPs, as they resume an initiative they had started last week, aiming to facilitate the election of a president, but the meeting was cancelled.

Opposition sources and Lebanese Forces MP Georges Okais confirmed that Amal and Hezbollah cancelled the meeting.

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Lebanese photojournalist, wounded in Israeli strike, carries Olympic torch to honor journalists

A Lebanese photojournalist who was severely wounded during an Israeli strike on south Lebanon carried Sunday the Olympic torch in Paris to honor journalists wounded and killed in the field.

The torch relay, which started in May, is part of celebrations in which about 10,000 people from various walks of life were chosen to carry the flame across France before the Games opening ceremony on July 26.

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Hezbollah fires rockets and drones at northern Israel

Hezbollah said it fired Katyusha rockets and drones at Israel on Sunday after strikes which the Israeli army said targeted Hezbollah weapons storage facilities.

Hezbollah has traded near-daily cross-border fire with Israeli forces in support of Hamas since the Palestinian group's October 7 attack on southern Israel triggered war in the Gaza Strip.

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Israel confirms striking Hezbollah arms depots in south Lebanon

The Israeli military on Sunday said it struck Hezbollah weapons storage facilities overnight, after Lebanese state media reported an Israeli strike on an ammunitions depot deep in the south.

Hezbollah has traded near-daily cross-border fire with Israeli forces in support of Hamas since the Palestinian militant group's October 7 attack on southern Israel triggered war in the Gaza Strip.

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Berri rules out Israeli war, urges '7 to 10 days' of dialogue

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has ruled out a broad Israeli war on Lebanon while stressing the need to “stop the genocidal war that Israel is waging on the Palestinian people.”

In an interview with the Milan-based Avvenire newspaper, which is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, Berri added that “Lebanon does not need new agreements to restore calm and stability in the (southern) border area,” noting that “there is a resolution issued by the U.N. Security Council carrying the number 1701 and Lebanon is committed to all its stipulations.”

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Russian envoy urges restraint to pave way for 'peace process'

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Friday met with Vladimir Safronkov, the Russian foreign minister’s special envoy for Lebanon.

“The meeting tackled the situation in south Lebanon and Gaza and the stalled peace process,” the National News Agency said.

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Raad says war's course to become clear within days

Hezbollah’s top lawmaker Mohammad Raad on Friday noted that the “course” of his group’s conflict with Israel will become clear “within a few days,” in an apparent reference to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S.

“Let us be patient for a few days to see the prospects and the atmosphere that we will move forward in. We will not hesitate or give up our resistant choice and we will not weaken in the face of the arrogance of tyranny and occupation,” Raad added.

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'No dialogue, no president,' Berri says

"Without dialogue, there will be no president," pro-Hezbollah al-Akhbar newspaper quoted Speaker Nabih Berri as saying.

The daily reported Friday that Berri thinks that "it's much easier today" as all parties, except one - the Lebanese Forces -, have agreed to participate in his dialogue initiative, including the Free Patriotic Movement.

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Tensions boil after Israeli strikes kill at least four in Lebanon

Israeli artillery shelled Friday the southern border town of Houla and the outskirts of Kfarshouba and Kfarhamam, a day after Israeli strikes killed at least five people in Lebanon.

Hezbollah for its part attacked Friday, for the first time since war broke out, Abirim, Neve Ziv and Manot in north Israel in response to Israeli attacks on civilians in south Lebanon.

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