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Rifi Says 16 Arab States Contest Syrian Arrest Warrants

Representatives of 16 Arab states meeting in Doha for an Interpol general assembly have contested the validity of 33 Syrian arrest warrants mostly against Lebanese, Lebanon's police chief said Wednesday.

"I was the target of one of these arrest warrants, and I raised the issue at this meeting," Major General Ashraf Rifi, leading the Lebanese delegation in Doha, told Agence France Presse.

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Connelly Hands Over Nuclear-Radiological Materials Detection System to Lebanese Customs

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly on Wednesday attended the official hand-over ceremony of the Lebanon Megaports project to the Lebanese government.

"Sponsored by the National Nuclear Security Administration at the U.S. Department of Energy, the Megaports Initiative seeks to deter, detect, and interdict illicitly trafficked nuclear and radiological materials by deploying fixed, mobile and handheld detection equipment," according to a communiqué issued by the U.S. Embassy in Beirut.

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Loyalty to Resistance: Media Leaks on Indictment Confirm its Politicization

The Loyalty to the Resistance bloc noted on Wednesday that the media leaks over the indictment in the investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri confirm without a doubt that it is politicized.

It said after its weekly meeting that the politicization of the indictment is aimed at achieving Israeli interests and those of the international powers supporting its plans against Palestine, Lebanon, and the region.

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Geagea Meets Bedewi: If Other Camp Insists on Voting, Then We’ll Agree with that as We’re the Majority

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Wednesday that if the other camp wanted “to threaten us with withdrawing from Cabinet if we maintained our position over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, then it may do so without resorting to bargaining over the matter.”

He said after holding talks with Egyptian Ambassador to Lebanon Ahmed al-Bedewi: “President Michel Suleiman prefers not to resort to a vote during today’s Cabinet session.”

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Williams Meets Shami: I Hope Air of Camaraderie Will Pervade in Cabinet

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams hoped on Wednesday that the air of camaraderie would pervade in today's Cabinet session in accordance with respecting the Doha agreement and the ministerial statement.

He also hoped after holding talks with Foreign Minister Ali al-Shami that the government would be able to ease the tensions in Lebanon.

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Qatari Emir Warns of Challenges on Lebanese Internal Scene

Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani warned on Tuesday of the challenges facing the Lebanese internal scene, stressing Qatar's support for Lebanon in helping it implement the Doha agreement.

He called on all Lebanese political forces to be wary of sides seeking to harm Lebanon's security and stability, urging them to quickly solve their problems and settle the country's crisis, which is also affecting the Arab world's stability, especially in Iraq, Sudan, and Palestine.

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Suleiman to Qatar and Gul in Beirut in January

President Michel Suleiman is scheduled to head to Qatar on November 23 on a two-day visit at Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani's request, reported As Safir on Wednesday.

The paper also added that Turkish President Abdullah Gul is expected to visit Lebanon in January at an invitation by Suleiman.

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March 14 Commits to Christian-Islamic Equality: March 8 Forces Insist on Violating Lebanon's Pledges on STL

The March 14 General Secretariat stressed on Wednesday its commitment to Christian-Islamic equality as it is the strongest guarantee for maintaining coexistence in light of the internal and regional disputes.

It rejected in its weekly meeting subjecting Lebanon to armed powers following political and factional agendas.

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Jumblat to Damascus: No Blame on Geagea, but on Those who Support him

Druze leader Walid Jumblat will visit Damascus on Tuesday for talks with Syrian Vice-President Maj. Gen. Mohammed Nassif.

As-Safir newspaper quoted Jumblat as saying that there is a "historic moment" represented in talks between Syrian and Saudi Arabia.

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UNIFIL: Israel is Obligated to Withdraw from Northern Section of Ghajar

The United Nations Interim Force for Lebanon Director of Political and Civil Affairs Milos Strugar stressed on Monday that Israel is obligated to withdraw from the northern section of the village of Ghajar, as well as the areas adjacent to the Blue Line in accordance with U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.

He said: "This matter has been under study for a long time and we had launched an active dialogue on it with both sides based on UNIFIL's suggestion to facilitate the Israeli army's withdrawal from the region."

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