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Hariri: Suleiman, Berri, Nasrallah and I Won't Allow Lebanon to Explode over STL Indictment

Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Wednesday denied he has any knowledge about an indictment to be issued by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and ruled out that the Court decision would explode the Lebanon situation.

"President Michel Suleiman and I as well as Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will not allow an explosion to threat Lebanon," Hariri told the Russian newspaper Vremya Novosti on the sidelines of his visit to Moscow.

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Bakri Hires Hizbullah's Saheli as His Lawyer, Military Court Asks ISF Intelligence to Turn Him Over

Radical Islamic preacher Omar Bakri, who was arrested Sunday in Tripoli by a patrol of intelligence agents from the Internal Security Forces, on Monday hired Hizbullah's MP Nawwar al-Saheli as his lawyer.

Bakri was sentenced to life in prison by the Military Court on a host of charges, including inciting murder and belonging to an armed faction.

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Rahhal: Opposition Seeks to Demonstrate that Hariri has Failed but that Will Backfire against Them

Minister of Environment Mohammed Rahhal criticized on Thursday Telecommunications Minister Charbel Nahhas’ statements against Prime Minister Saad Hariri in which he said that he was succumbing to Israeli pressure.

He said: “This is the height of political degradation at Cabinet.”

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Saudi Court Rejects Death for Lebanese 'Sorcerer'

Saudi Arabia's high court has rejected the execution sentence of a Lebanese man convicted of sorcery and recommended that he be deported after a new trial, a newspaper reported Thursday.

The Supreme Court in Riyadh said that the death sentence for Ali Sabat was not warranted because he had not harmed anyone and had no prior offences in the country, Okaz said.

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Hariri Denies Receiving Phone Call from Feltman and Statements Attributed to him on Extremists

Prime Minister Saad Hariri denied on Thursday that he received a phone call from U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman during Wednesday's Cabinet session.

Hariri's Press Office stressed in a statement that this information is fabricated, incorrect, and baseless.

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Hbeish: Nahhas' Statements Pave Way for Future Assassinations

Mustaqbal MP Hadi Hbeish criticized on Thursday Telecommunications Minister Charbel Nahhas' statements that the Mustaqbal movement is being pressured by Israel.

He told ANB television: "Such statements are treasonous and are a direct threat that would lead to future assassinations."

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Williams after meeting Sfeir: U.N. Worried about Tensions in Lebanon

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams on Thursday said the United Nations was worried about tensions in Lebanon.

He made his remarks after meeting Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir in Bkirki.

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Clinton, Abul Gheit Won't Tolerate Attempts to Undermine STL

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday reiterated Washington's support for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, stressing that attempts at weakening the tribunal will not be tolerated.

Clinton said, on her behalf and on behalf of her Egyptian counterpart Ahmed Abul Gheit at a joint news conference in Washington, that they condemn any attempts at obstructing STL's work.

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Cabinet Postpones Discussing 'False Witnesses' Until after Eid al-Adha

A consensus on postponing the thorny issue of "false witnesses" until after the Eid al-Adha holiday was reached during Wednesday's cabinet session, "after each side stated its point of view," Information Minister Tareq Mitri said after the session.

Mitri quoted President Michel Suleiman as saying that "there is no use of putting the issue -- of referring the false witnesses issue to the Judicial Council -- to the vote of the cabinet."

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Jumblat Reiterates Support for Syria: Press Leaks Confirm STL's Politicization

Upon his return from Damascus, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Wednesday said that his point of view intersected with that of the Syrian leadership regarding the importance of making the most of the Syrian-Saudi rapprochement "through preserving the national unity government and enabling it to face the major challenges."

In a statement issued by PSP's Media Department, Jumblat noted the need to "be alert of the continuing Western efforts to disrupt this Saudi-Syrian rapprochement by sending Western delegates to Lebanon and by adhering to the STL without the slightest regard to stability."

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