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Germany: Every EU State Should Pay into 3 Bn Euro Refugee Fund

Germany wants every European Union state to contribute to a 3 billion euro ($3.2 billion) aid kitty for Syrian refugees in Turkey, saying it is a question of "European solidarity".

"All member states should contribute to the financing totaling three billion euros," Finance Ministry State Secretary Jens Spahn told the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung in comments confirmed by the government.

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Ex-Auschwitz Medic, 95, Fit to Stand Trial

A 95-year-old former medic at the Auschwitz death camp is fit to stand trial for at least 3,681 counts of accessory to murder, a German appeals court ruled Tuesday, overturning an earlier verdict.

Hubert Z. was a medical orderly at the camp from August 15, 1944 to September 14, 1945, when 14 trains carrying prisoners -- including the teenage diarist Anne Frank -- arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau where many would eventually be killed in the gas chambers.

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Two Men Arrested in Berlin Suspected of Preparing 'Serious Act of Violence'

Berlin police said they carried out two raids targeting Islamists Thursday and arrested two men suspected of preparing to carry out "a serious act of violence representing a danger for the state."

The two individuals, aged 28 and 46, had been "in contact with the Islamist movement," police spokeswoman Patricia Braemer said.

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Germany 'to Send Tornado Reconnaissance Jets' to Fight IS

Germany plans to send Tornado reconnaissance jets to support the fight against the Islamic State group in Syria, the defense spokesman of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives said Thursday.

A day after Merkel pledged in Paris to "very soon" decide how to help battle the IS group in Syria, she met cabinet ministers in charge of security ahead of afternoon meetings of the major parties' parliamentary groups.

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Germany to Send 650 Troops to Mali to Relieve France

Germany will send up to 650 soldiers to Mali, Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said Wednesday, to provide some relief to France in its global fight against the Islamic State jihadists.

Von der Leyen made the announcement hours before German Chancellor Angela Merkel travels to Paris to meet President Francois Hollande to discuss support in the wake of the deadly November 13 attacks by the Islamic State group in the French capital.

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Jewish Group in Germany Urges Limit to Refugee Influx

The Central Council of Jews in Germany called Monday for a limit to the migrant influx because of problems with integrating the mainly Muslim newcomers, earning a quick rebuke from a pro-refugee charity.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's government has opened the doors to asylum seekers fleeing conflict in Syria, and arrivals from the war-torn country and other trouble spots are expected to reach one million this year.

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Merkel: From Austerity Priestess to 'Mother Angela'

A Protestant pastor's daughter who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, Angela Merkel has made an unprecedented journey to become chancellor of Germany and the world's most powerful woman.

She has been derided as the eurozone's "austerity priestess", praised by desperate refugees as "Mama Merkel" and labeled by the Economist magazine as "the indispensable European".

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Refugees Put Merkel to Test as she Marks 10 Years in Power

German Chancellor Angela Merkel marks a decade in power Sunday facing the fight of her political life over her liberal stance on refugees, which provoked a party revolt, and fresh fears sparked by the Paris carnage.

In what just a few months ago would have been an unreserved celebration of the German leader at the height of her powers, the 10-year anniversary comes as the migrant crisis looks set to become the defining issue of Merkel's tenure.

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IS May Be Trying to Exploit Refugee Debate, Says German Minister

Germany's justice minister on Monday warned against drawing a hasty link between refugees and perpetrators of the deadly Paris attacks, warning that the IS group could be trying to exploit the debate over Europe's migrant influx.

The French police's discovery of a purported Syrian passport near the body of one attacker in particular has sparked concerns that at least one of the assailants might have entered Europe with the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing Syria's civil war.

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'Reason to Believe' Man Arrested in Germany Linked to Paris Attackers

Bavaria's state premier Horst Seehofer said Saturday that there was "reason to believe" that a man arrested last week with several weapons in southern Germany was linked to attackers who killed more than 128 people in Paris.

"There is reason to believe that this is possibly linked" to the attacks, Seehofer told a party conference.

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