J.J. Abrams is master of one universe — and he's about to try conquering another.
The director who rebooted "Star Trek" for a new generation, sending the USS Enterprise out again to explore strange new worlds, has also been put at the "Star Wars" helm. Soon he'll direct a new film, the seventh, in the epic sci-fi franchise.

Pioneering TV news veteran Barbara Walters is telling viewers she is retiring in another year following a television career that began in 1961.
She wiped away tears on ABC's "The View" on Monday after a taped piece summarizing her career.

Written by Anthony Sargon
It can't be easy adapting one of the world's most popular literary works to the big screen. If you thought this was the first attempt at bringing F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel to life, think again; Baz Luhrmann is the fourth director to tackle the venerable material, and he actually does a marvelous job. Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby" might not fully capture the spirit of Fitzgerald's literary work, but it's a visually dazzling and wonderfully acted adaptation that should entertain fans and non-fans of the source material alike.

Gatsby looks almost as great as a superhero at the weekend box office.
Leonard DiCaprio's "The Great Gatsby" partied like it was the Roaring Twenties with a $51.1 million debut that made it a surprisingly strong runner-up to comic-book blockbuster "Iron Man 3."

Grammy-winning musician Chris Brown's neighbors are unhappy with what some are calling frightening art he's chosen to have painted along the curb of his Hollywood Hills home.
A neighborhood group said the grimacing, sharp-toothed, red-eyed goblins painted along a retaining wall have been scaring children, and is an eyesore to boot, according to the Los Angeles Times (http://lat.ms/19cjOBY).

The next chapter in the wildly successful "Star Wars" movie franchise will be produced in Britain, Disney's Lucasfilm announced.
"Star Wars: Episode VII" will be the first in the series since Disney bought the studio from George Lucas in 2012 for $4 billion. It is scheduled for release in 2015.

Movie star Jet Li has joined up with renowned Chinese Internet entrepreneur Jack Ma to open a t'ai chi school in a bid to promote the traditional exercise.
Ma is founder of the world's biggest online retailer, Alibaba, where he stepped down as chief executive officer last week saying he wanted to do more in education and the environment.

The return of O.J. Simpson to a Las Vegas courtroom Monday will remind Americans of a tragedy that became a national obsession and in the process changed the country's attitude toward the justice system, the media and celebrity.
His 1995 trial is the stuff of legends, the precipitous fall of a Hall of Fame football player who, although acquitted of killing his ex-wife and her friend, was never absolved in the public mind. Less is remembered about the 2008 Las Vegas trial that sent Simpson to prison for a bizarre hotel room robbery.

The prestigious Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (CMB) wine competition kicked off in Slovakia on Friday, making it the first Central European country to host one of the world's top five wine contests.
The talents of 305 connoisseurs will be tested by 8,168 wines from 50 countries during the three-day event in this quaint capital.

Michael Jackson's make-up artist warned in the 1990s that the star could die due to his drug addiction, she testified Friday, adding that people were initially lying after his 2009 death.
Karen Faye, who worked for the self-styled King of Pop for 27 years, said she voiced concern to a drugs therapist after Jackson's "Dangerous" tour in the early 1990s, which was cut short when the singer went into rehab.