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Beyonce Celebrates Black Women in Intricate Album-film

Pop superstar Beyonce on Saturday released a musically diverse new album in the form of a film as she paid a bold tribute to the perseverance of African American women.

"Lemonade" was advertised only as a special on cable network HBO but, in a move anticipated by her passionate fan base, she dropped an album by the same name in the middle of the broadcast.

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Prince Cremated, with Resting Place Secret

Loved ones cremated pop icon Prince on Saturday with his final resting place to remain a secret, two days after his sudden death stunned the music world.

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No Signs of Trauma, Suicide in Prince Death, Says Police

There was no evidence of trauma on Prince's body when he was found unresponsive in an elevator at his huge compound or any indication the late music icon committed suicide, U.S. authorities said Friday.

Stunned fans massed outside the superstar's Paisley Park studio complex on the outskirts of Minneapolis are looking to an autopsy carried out earlier in the day to resolve the mystery around the sudden loss of their idol.

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Prince Fused 'Black Soul' with 'White Rock', Say Music Experts

Prince created a new sound by fusing black American musical styles with white rock, and deeply influenced the current generation of artists, music experts said.

The U.S. music icon was found dead, aged 57, at his studio complex outside his home city of Minneapolis on Thursday.

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Prince, the Global Icon Rooted in Hometown Minneapolis

To millions, Prince was a global icon, but at heart he remained a hometown boy from Minneapolis, nurturing local talent, hosting legendary parties and putting the city on the international music map.

Two days before he was found dead, Prince listened to music at the Dakota Jazz Club, the same venue where he played gigs three years ago that sold out in minutes, and which he frequented often over the years.

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Mysterious and Gender-Bending, Prince was Unique Political Force

Among rock stars, Prince came off as almost otherworldly, an effete pansexual who cherished his own seclusion. Yet through that very image, and occasional forays into more direct advocacy, the artist became a unique political force.

Relishing the fluidity of his own image -- Prince was a straight African American yet was often mistaken for white, Hispanic or gay -- the gender-bending singer presented a new form of black masculinity in the age of hip-hop.

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Sex Symbol Prince Had a 'Dirty,' but Complicated, Mind

On Prince's 1981 album "Controversy," released days after he opened for the Rolling Stones dressed in bikini underwear and got booed off stage, the singer quipped that he was asked constantly if he was black or white, straight or gay.

The pop icon, who died suddenly Thursday at age 57, oozed sexuality both through his music and his inimitable fashion sense as he turned androgyny into a stylistic symbol.

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'Game of Thrones': Five Big Questions for Season Six

From Jon Snow's vital signs to festering grudges over wedding dust-ups, hit HBO show "Game of Thrones" ended season five with more cliffhangers than a rock climbing convention.

With so many loose ends needing urgent attention, viewers can only be sure of one thing: winter is coming, and it's going to be tense, bloody and probably semi-nude.

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Prince and the King of Pop: 1980s Rivals

Prince and Michael Jackson were two of the biggest names of the 1980s, musical superstars jostling for supremacy in a golden age of pop.

Loyal fans around the world delighted in debating whether Jackson's "Thriller" bested Prince's "1999" and "Purple Rain," and the media liked to play up the idea of a rivalry.

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Ten of Prince's Most Notable Records

Prince produced dozens of commercially released albums over the course of his career, augmented by an extensive back catalog of work he kept in his vault at Paisley Park.

Here are some of his landmark releases, in chronological order:

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