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Scorsese Film about Japan's Hidden Christians Out for Christmas

Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese told an audience in Tokyo Monday his long-awaited film about the persecution of Christians in 17th century Japan will hit the big screen just before Christmas.

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Singer Phil Collins Announces Comeback Gigs for Next summer

There'll be no early retirement for star singer Phil Collins.

The 65-year-old former Genesis frontman Monday announced plans for gigs next summer in London, Paris and Cologne. The tour will be called: "Not Dead Yet, Live."

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Homegrown Fashion Industry Bursts onto Scene in Cuba

Like so much else in Cuba, shopping for clothes isn't easy.

Buying a simple pair of socks or a T-shirt means choosing between the wildly overpriced, shoddy offerings of state-run stores and the bales of low-priced clothing illegally imported by "mules" traveling from the United States, Ecuador or Panama.

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Rihanna Surprise Guest of McCartney at 'Oldchella'

The Desert Trip festival is all about showcasing rock veterans and their baby-boomer fans but its second weekend featured one of the top stars of the young generation -- Rihanna.

The R&B superstar joined Paul McCartney on stage Saturday night in the California desert to join in "FourFiveSeconds," the song the former Beatle released last year with both Rihanna and rap giant Kanye West.

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Two Wounded in Break-in at Supermodel's California Mansion

An intruder was shot and a security guard stabbed during a break-in at the Malibu mansion of supermodel Miranda Kerr, police and local media reported.

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Brexit Will Make Poor Poorer Warns Film-Maker Ken Loach

Wages in Britain will be pushed down by Brexit and ordinary people will pay the price of the country's departure from the EU, film-maker Ken Loach warned Friday.

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Thailand Tames Infamous Nightlife as It Mourns King

Thailand's notorious nightlife has been ordered to clean up its act for a month out of respect for revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who passed away on Thursday.

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Japanese Fishermen Say Painted as 'Sadists' in Oscar-Winner The Cove

A group of Japanese fishermen have broken their silence over a controversial annual dolphin kill that was the focus of the Oscar-winning documentary "The Cove".

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U.S. Songwriter Bob Dylan Wins Nobel Literature Prize

American music legend Bob Dylan on Thursday won the Nobel Literature Prize, the first songwriter to win the prestigious award and an announcement that stunned prize watchers.

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France Launches Kardashian Robbery Probe

French prosecutors have formally opened an investigation into the robbery in Paris of Kim Kardashian in which the US reality TV star lost millions in jewellery, a judicial source said Wednesday.

The investigation is focusing on "armed theft in a gang, criminal conspiracy and kidnapping," the source said.

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