Renowned for its relentless confrontation of its Nazi past, Germany's culture of remembrance faces new 21st-Century challenges as survivors of World War II and the Holocaust disappear and far-right politics reemerges.
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A rural Estonia town whose name literally means "cannabis" has voted to adopt a marijuana leaf as its official logo, a local official said Thursday.
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A boy who takes his parents to court for having him is one of a wave of Arab films making people sit up and take notice at the Cannes film festival.
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Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Thursday he has agreed with his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras on a solution to ending a long-running name row between the neighboring countries.
Full StoryMarketplaces in Yemen's rebel-held capital Sanaa were stacked with produce on the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, but there were barely any customers with the means to buy.
Prices have spiked over the course of Yemen's conflict, which since 2015 has pitted a Saudi-led coalition against the Iran-backed Huthi rebels and seen the country's largest port reduced to a wasteland under de facto blockade.
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Her fingers bleed from beneath the nail beds, but sitting at her workstation, filing Yemeni gemstones on a spinning wheel, Safaa al-Faqih is at peace in a country for too long at war.
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Lebanon's LGBT festival, the only event of its kind in the Arab world, was suspended after authorities interrogated its organizer and threatened him with prosecution, he said Wednesday.
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The Islamic holy month of Ramadan will begin Thursday in Saudi Arabia, the land of the religion's two holiest sites, authorities said.
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Controversial director Lars von Trier kicked up a storm of anger at the Cannes film festival Tuesday with a brutal serial killer film which many see as giving the finger to the #MeToo movement.
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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday hit out at a French manifesto calling for certain passages of the Koran to be removed in response to rising anti-Semitism.
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