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Britons Shrug Off Nude Photos of Prince Harry

Britain's Prince Harry has been caught on camera doing something embarrassing — again.

Celebrity gossip website TMZ on Tuesday posted photos of the 27-year-old royal cavorting nude with an unidentified woman in a VIP suite in Las Vegas. It's hardly the first time the prince — who allegedly disrobed as part of a game of strip pool — has been filmed in a compromising situation. The third-in-line to the throne was famously photographed wearing a Nazi uniform for a costume party, and in another photo gaffe he was seen cupping the breast of a female TV presenter. Some would argue footage in which he was heard to utter a racial slur while teasing a fellow army cadet fromPakistan was more serious.

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U.S., Britain Warn Syria against Chemical Weapon Threat

British Prime Minister David Cameron and U.S. President Barack Obama warned Wednesday they would be forced to consider a new course of action if Syria threatens to use chemical weapons on rebel fighters.

The two leaders agreed during a telephone call that "the use -- or threat -- of chemical weapons was completely unacceptable and would force them to revisit their approach so far," Cameron's Downing Street office said.

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Britain Posts Surprise Borrowing Deficit in July

Recession-hit Britain unexpectedly added to its public sector debt pile in July, official data revealed Tuesday, dealing a blow to the government's hopes of reducing the country's large deficit.

Public sector net borrowing stood at £600 million ($946 million, 763 million euros) in July compared with a net repayment of £2.8 billion in the same month one year earlier, the Office for National Statistics said in a statement.

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Reports: Western Spies Helping Syrian Rebels

British and German spies are involved in covert operations to help Syrian rebels in their increasingly bloody fight to topple the regime of President Bashar Assad, press reports said Sunday.

German and British spies were passing on information about Syrian troop movements to the rebels who took up arms against Assad's regime over a year ago in the face of its brutal crackdown on protests, they said.

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Ecuador’s Allies Warn Britain of 'Grave Consequences' over Assange

Ecuador has received powerful backing from regional allies as they warned Britain of "grave consequences" if it breaches diplomatic security at Ecuador's embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is holed up.

The warning capped two days of a tense diplomatic standoff between Britain and the South American nation, which on Thursday granted asylum to Assange, whose website enraged the United States by publishing a vast cache of confidential government files.

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Ecuador Grants Assange Asylum in Confrontation with Britain

Ecuador granted political asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Thursday, setting up a diplomatic confrontation with Britain, which angrily insisted it would extradite him to Sweden.

Ecuadoran Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino argued the Australian activist would not get a fair trial if he is eventually sent to the United States to be tried for illegally publishing a trove of classified documents.

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Britain's Prince Philip in Hospital with Bladder Infection

Britain's Prince Philip was hospitalized Wednesday with a repeat of the bladder infection that made him miss part of his wife Queen Elizabeth II's jubilee celebrations in June, Buckingham Palace said.

The 91-year-old was likely to spend several days in hospital after his third health scare in the space of eight months, having also suffered a blocked coronary artery over Christmas last year.

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British City Goes Rogue With Own Currency

As Britain loses faith in its banks and feels shockwaves from the euro crisis, one city is trying to keep local wealth in local pockets with the launch of its own currency.

The Bristol pound -- usable only with member businesses in the city in southwest England -- is to launch in September, and organizers are deluged with local firms wanting to sign up.

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British Couple Claim Record 190 Mn Euro Lottery Jackpot

A British couple has claimed a record 190-million-euro (£149 million, $235 million) prize in the EuroMillions lottery, officials announced on Monday.

Britain's National Lottery said the couple was from Suffolk in southeast England.

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Britain Giving Syrian Rebels Body Armor

Britain will give Syrian rebels £5 million in assistance including body armor and communications equipment for their fight against President Bashar Assad, Foreign Secretary William Hague said Friday.

Hague said Britain would not provide weapons but would step up its contacts with opposition groups, especially the Free Syrian Army, to lay the ground for a political solution if Assad falls.

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