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Belgium Battles Back, Downs Algeria 2-1

Dark horses Belgium staged a late fightback to beat Algeria 2-1 and deny the Africans a first World Cup win in 32 years on Tuesday.

Second-half goals from substitutes Marouane Fellaini and Dries Mertens secured an opening Group H victory for the Red Devils after Algeria had taken a 25th-minute lead via a Sofiane Feghouli penalty.

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Belgium Orders Trial for 46 Suspected Radical Islamists

A Belgian court on Friday ordered that 46 suspected members of a radical Islamist group, believed to be involved in sending young fighters to Syria, stand trial later this year.

Sixteen people alleged to be part of Sharia4Belgium, including its head Fouad Belkacem, face charges of leading a terrorist organization, the federal justice office said.

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France to Rule June 26 on Jewish Museum Suspect Extradition

A French court said Thursday it will decide on June 26 whether to extradite to Belgium the man suspected of carrying out a deadly shooting at the Jewish Museum in Brussels last month.

Franco-Algerian Mehdi Nemmouche, 29, who was detained several days after the attack that left four people dead, told the court he was not opposed to his transfer to Belgium as long as he has assurances he will not be sent on to a third country.

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Brussels Shooting Suspect to Fight French Handover to Belgium

Mehdi Nemmouche, the French Islamist arrested on suspicion of a triple murder at the Brussels Jewish Museum, is to contest being handed over by France to Belgium, his lawyer said Wednesday.

Nemmouche, 29, was arrested in Marseille on Friday. He wants to stand trial in France and will fight a European arrest warrant issued by the Belgian authorities, the lawyer, Apolin Pepiezep told Agence France Presse.

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Israel Holds Funeral of Brussels Attack Victims

Hundreds of people turned out in Tel Aviv on Tuesday for the funerals of two Israelis gunned down at the Jewish museum in Brussels last week.

Relatives of Emmanuel and Miriam Riva, who are survived by their two teenage daughters, said the couple in their 50s had been celebrating their wedding anniversary in the Belgian capital.

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Belgian, French, Italian Leaders in Homage at Jewish Museum

The leaders of France and Italy joined Belgium's Elio Di Rupo on Tuesday to pay homage to the victims of a fatal weekend attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels.

President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, in Brussels to attend an informal EU summit, met Jewish leaders outside the museum and then bowed their heads in tribute to a rabbi's prayer.

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Belgium Probes Terrorist Link in Jewish Museum Killings

Belgium investigators on Monday probed a possible terrorist link in a fatal weekend shooting by a lone gunman at the Jewish Museum in Brussels that has shocked the world.

The inquiry over the shooting, which killed three people outright and left a young man brain dead, was initially opened for murder and attempted "murder with premeditation."

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Flemish Separatists Set for Victory in Key Belgium Election

Belgium's controversial Flemish separatists looked set to take the lead in a general election Sunday marred by an attack against the Jewish Museum in Brussels, the first such incident in 30 years.

First estimates gave 33 percent of the vote in  Flanders to the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) headed by tough-talking Antwerp mayor Bart De Wever.

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Belgium Hunts Gunman as Jewish Community on High Alert

Belgium's Jewish community was placed on high alert Sunday as police hunted down a gunman who shot dead three people at the Brussels Jewish Museum in an attack blamed on growing anti-Semitism.

An Israeli tourist couple and a French woman died from gunshots to the face and neck after a man apparently acting alone fired two successive rounds into the museum on Saturday afternoon before escaping minutes later on foot.

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Belgium on Edge ahead of Key Vote

Belgians head to the ballot box Sunday with polls predicting a tight race after an inconclusive 2010 election left the language- divided nation without a government for an unprecedented 541 days.

"The suspense is total, the outcome wide open," said political scientist Jean Faniel as polls showed Dutch-speaking separatists from northern Flanders neck-and-neck with French-speaking Socialists in the south.

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