Ali Awad Assiri
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Asiri Meets Jumblat, Discusses with Berri Holding National Dialogue on Tripoli

Speaker Nabih Berri on Thursday said he discussed with Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri the possibility of calling the leaders of the national dialogue committee to a meeting under the chairmanship of President Michel Suleiman that would “at least discuss” the latest unrest in Tripoli.

Following a meeting in Ain al-Tineh, Berri said talks with Asiri also tackled “the need for the Lebanese to take a unified stance in order to find an urgent, effective and permanent solution to the situation in the North.”

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Ali Cuts Ties with Asiri: He Dealt an Unfriendly Blow to a Brotherly Relation

The debate flared up again on Friday between the Syrian and Saudi ambassadors to Lebanon over the issue of a Syria-bound arms ship recently seized in Lebanon’s territorial waters.

Syrian ambassador Ali Abdul Karim Ali declared on NBN television that he has severed ties with Saudi ambassador Ali Awadh Asiri, saying “he’s the one who dealt an unfriendly blow to a brotherly relation.”

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Hariri Meets Saudi Ambassador: They Tried to Eliminate Us Politically

Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri discussed with the Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Assiri the latest developments and bilateral ties.

Hariri met Assiri late on Friday at the Center House, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Saturday.

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Riyadh Advises Citizens Not to Travel to Lebanon Amid Measures by Arab, Foreign Embassies

The Saudi Foreign Ministry advised its citizens not to travel to Lebanon at this stage as Ambassador Ali Awad Assiri denied to pan-Arab daily al-Hayat that the embassy had asked Saudis to leave the country as soon as possible.

“Given the situation in Lebanon, the Foreign Ministry advises Saudi citizens not to travel to Lebanon at this stage and until calm and stability” are restored, said a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency.

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Assiri Urges Dialogue: Lebanon's Future should be Decided by Lebanese

Saudi Ambassador Ali Awad Assiri stressed on Wednesday that Lebanon's future should be decided by the Lebanese through their unity and solidarity.

Urging the Lebanese to engage in dialogue, Assiri told Voice of Lebanon radio station: "Lebanon's future should be made through the solidarity and unity of its citizens."

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Assiri: Saudi-Syrian Initiative Not Linked to Indictment

Saudi Ambassador Ali Awad Assiri said Monday that the Saudi-Syrian initiative aimed at ending the Lebanese crisis was not linked to the indictment that will be issued by the international tribunal in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination case.

“The Saudi-Syrian initiative … is ongoing and will continue. It has nothing to do with a decision or the release of an indictment,” Assiri told Voice of Lebanon radio station.

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