سليمان: تكرار الرسائل الصاروخية لا يمكن ان يغير في الثوابت الوطنية

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أكد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال أن تكرار الرسائل الصاروخية، واياً كان مرسلها ومهما كان هدفها، لا يمكن أن تغير في الثوابت الوطنية النابعة من الايمان في المصلحة الوطنية العليا.

وفي بيان صادر عن المكتب الاعلامي لرئاسة الجمهورية، الجمعة، رأى سليمان أن تكرار الرسائل الصاروخية، "كائنا من كان مرسلها واينما كانت وجهتها ومهما كانت درجة خطورتها والهدف الكامن وراء اطلاقها، لا يمكن ان يغير في الثوابت الوطنية والقناعات التي يتم التعبير عنها بالكلمة الحرة والصادقة".

ولفت الى أن هذه الثوابت نابعة من "ايمان بالمصلحة الوطنية العليا لتجنيب البلاد انعكاسات ما يحصل حولنا وفي المنطقة، ولضمان الاستقرار والوحدة بين اللبنانيين".

ودعا الى العودة الى التزام اعلان بعبدا وصون التماسك الوطني في هذه الظروف الدقيقة بالذات.

وسقط صاروخان ليل الخميس أحدهما على مقربة من القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا والآخر على قرب من وزارة الدفاع وفي حين أفادت المصادر الصحافية عن سقوط صاروخ ثالث، تضاربت المعلومات حول مكان سقوطه.

الى ذلك، شدد سليمان على أهمية تحلي اللبنانيين بأعلى درجات الوعي "لخطورة ما يقوم به المتضررون من استقرار الساحة الداخلية".

وطلب من الاجهزة الامنية المعنية تكثيف تحرياتها وتحقيقاتها لكشف لملابسات واتخاذ التدابير الايلة الى ضبط مثل هذه الافعال.

وأتى إطلاق الصاروخين بعيد موقف لسليمان في عيد الجيش، الخميس، قال فيه: "اذا استمرت ازدواجية السلاح الشرعي وغير الشرعي يصبح دور الجيش صعباً".

وأكد سليمان أنه "يجب إعادة النظر بالإستراتيجيّة الدفاعيّة خصوصاً بعد أن تخظى سلاح المقاومة الحدود اللبنانيّة إنطلاقاً من تصورنا للإستراتيجيّة والتي وضعناها أمام الرأي العام" معلناً أن " الوقت حان كي تكون الدولة هي الناظمة الأساسيّة والمقرّرة لإستعمال القوّة".

التعليقات 22
Default-user-icon ErbetTen7al (ضيف) 14:40 ,2013 آب 02

Message to Mr. i_ataoui,

Hezbollah are terrorists on Lebanese soil. Every terrorist group has an agenda. Although Hezbollah's agenda does include keeping other terrorists out of Lebanon and defending Lebanon against Israeli incursions, it also includes eventually dominating Lebanese religious and social life and extending the reach of Iran. If a murderer saves you from another murderer, it does not make that first murderer a good person overall.

Thumb dasphinx 14:45 ,2013 آب 02

Unfortunately many Lebanese are only so by name. Nadim Koiteich pointed out yesterday that Al Manar started its news with the anniversary of the Syrian army and Bachar Assad before the news about the anniversary of the Lebanese army and our beloved President. This shows that their allegiance is not in Lebanon.

Missing helicopter 21:33 ,2013 آب 02

what is wrong with that? You always starts with where the heart is.

Thumb dasphinx 14:47 ,2013 آب 02

They only fire bombs to kill Prime Ministers, Ministers, journalists, law officers, etc. Next thing you tell me is that they are founded by Mother Theresa!

Thumb Chupachups 15:13 ,2013 آب 02

well from seeing all the articles on naharnet, a lot of figures are coming out in support of the president.

Thumb Elemental 15:20 ,2013 آب 02

Now that he said that, more rockets will fire, watch and see.

Thumb sophia_angle 16:29 ,2013 آب 02

lebanese cannot rule history assures dat. "even we r not allowed to extract gas from our sea?!" the best is to organize disputes so we don't kill each other again

Missing helicopter 21:37 ,2013 آب 02

Does history also show that there are many Lebanese who support militias (such as HA) over the Government and the LAF?

Thumb zahle1 16:42 ,2013 آب 02

well said

Default-user-icon sting (ضيف) 17:38 ,2013 آب 02

the police, ha!

Thumb Chupachups 18:05 ,2013 آب 02

Yep just blame the president - that's how in guys like to roll

Thumb Chupachups 18:05 ,2013 آب 02

You *

Thumb Maxx 20:13 ,2013 آب 02

"Rocket messages". Reminds me of that scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "Telegram, sir." (Eric Idle's character gets shot by an arrow with a message tied to it)

Default-user-icon Faldonatto Bingazrir (ضيف) 12:43 ,2013 آب 03

Minibash, hey good to know you and rabbi Maxx have been developing your deep thoughts thanks to your couch potatoism watching comedy shows in England. Hilarious. And while you were in England, Dr. Arreet 7akeh and his Drs. Arteena Satleh were being hilarious as they were trampolining into the arms of the Syrian occupiers while scheming against ebn baladon. I do not recall which specific Monty Python episode that one was, so remind us, rabbi Maxx and minibash, SIR. I'm sure cheikh Bash is definitely watching Monty Python in Israel. I can't wait for him to come back to Lebanon accompanied with cheikh Bosh Hariri.

Missing helicopter 21:16 ,2013 آب 02

We thought HA liberated the land to quickly find out that they just were different occupiers of the land. M-14 liberated the rest of Lebanon from the Syrian army but then we quickly found out that HA is part of the Syrian army. We Started building a sovereign republic and then we quickly found out that HA is different plans.

Missing helicopter 21:38 ,2013 آب 02

Spoken like a real Iranian.

Default-user-icon Dragio Fangarisse (ضيف) 21:42 ,2013 آب 02

Minibash, whatever your LF fighters did was dig a bigger hole for the Christians all along, and then the Christians found out that the flame that burned them is now carried by the Sanni Christian Dr. Arreet 7akeh and arreet everything that the Bash left behind. I cannot wait for the Bash to come back from Israel.

Missing helicopter 21:46 ,2013 آب 02

Like making sure no elections are held......... He opposed the extension of the Parliament by the Shi2a members of the Constitutional council stayed away to prevent Qorum and hence declaring such extension unconstitutional.
Like never securing the border ...... Syria and HA ensured the border stay as it was (unmarked and unprotected).
terrorists & refugees coming & going ..... he can not stop HA from crossing the border even from official crossings.

It seems to me the_roar is that your anger should be directed at HA, Syria and the M8 Cabinet that made what you are complaining about happen.

Missing VINCENT 04:58 ,2013 آب 03

We all need to look at this Hezbollah/Israel situation from a different perspective. I take my hat off and salute to all the brave Shiite Lebanese to stood firm against the Israelis during the occupation. H.A.'s (Iran & Syria) dealings are different. One of Israel's biggest fears and uncertainties are the armed Palestinian camps in Lebanon which Israel wants, and had always wanted, to keep them at bay. It is apparent that Israel's withdrawal was contingent on an assurance the Palestinians would be controlled vis-a-vis any threats against Israel which H.A. has been doing so far. So now ponder about H.A.'s so called victories and undisclosed dealings with Israel which doesn't contradict with Iran's or Syria's agenda as to their true intentions regarding the rest of Middle East.

Thumb freedomarch 07:20 ,2013 آب 03

Why does the "Party God God" need your blessings? They should have a direct link to "God"! I just wonder who is That god really is? because i know for sure that real God is the Just and the most merciful. In Syria "hizEbola" Are killing innocent syrians and helping a dictator regime (minority) taking over (with iron fist and fire) for the last 40 years ... and killed over 130000 ...

Missing ___-wolf-___ 10:49 ,2013 آب 03

I for one have been a victim of censorship , Phoenix is another , FT , is also another & now you , well friend welcome to the club ! But don't stop speaking your mind , keep on keeping on as they say bandoul I do feel for you no matter which side of the fence you are from but as long as you ARE Lebanese & not an Israeli ! Or a Palestinian ! Or a Syrian ! Or From a GCC state ! Or even from the KSA !!!
Signed Wolf.......!

Default-user-icon Faldonatto Bingazrir (ضيف) 12:51 ,2013 آب 03

EXCITING NEW DISCOVERY: our great good-for-nothing arreet 7akeh and corrupt president-by-parachute has principles!
NOTE: only the1phoenix, aka warrior MINIBASH with Ray Bans and crossed arms who knows the meaning of martyrdom, had feelings about that all along, though. MABROUK.