"الإتصالات" ترفض استعمال مسالكها الهاتفية بعد معلومات عن إنشاء حزب الله شبكة تنصت جديدة
Read this story in Englishذكّرت وزارة الإتصالات الأحد أنه لا يحق لأحد استعمال المسالك الهاتفية التابعة لها ولا إمداداتها وذلك بعد معلومات عن إنشاء حزب الله شبكة تنصت جديدة تصل معطياتها إلى إيران.
وجددت الوزراة في بيان ظهر الأحد "موقفها الرافض لاستعمال اي جهة الاملاك العائدة لها او المسالك الهاتفية التابعة لها، وحرصها الكامل والاكيد على حماية شبكة الهاتف وسلامتها".
وذكرت الوزارة في بياناتها السابقة في هذا المجال التي تقول أنه "لا يحق لأي جهة رسمية أو غير رسمية ان تستعمل شبكة الامدادات العائدة للوزارة لوضع اي امدادات خاصة بها".
وكان قد أرودت إذاعة "لبنان الحر" صباح الأحد معلومات مفادها ان "إنّ حزب الله طور اخيرا شبكات تنصت وأنشأ محطات في بعض قمم السلسة الغربية وسفوحها وتشمل رادارات صغيرة وكلها مرتبطة بجهاز مركزي، تصب فيه المعطيات والمعلومات ويرسل قسم منها مباشرة الى ايران".
وفي معلومات الإذاعة ان "شبكات الهاتف الثابت التي ما زالت تتمدد في مختلف المناطق، لا تنحصر خدماتها بالتخابر الهاتفي بل تنقل بيانات وصور ولقطات فيديو فضلا عن خدمات الكترونية وبرامج خاصة".
ونقلت الإذاعة عن أوساط معنية في قطاع الإتصالات عن "دور وزارة الإتصالات في تغطية هذه الظواهر المتمادية خصوصا وان المحطات والتمديدات يتم بناءها وحفرها في أملاك الدولة ومشاعاتها".
وكان قد كشف أهالي بلدة ترشيش في زحلة في تشرين الأول من العام 2011 أن "حزب الله" يحاول مد شبكة اتصالاته الخاصة عبر بلدة.
وقال الأهالي حضر أفراد من "حزب الله" الى موقع أشغال تمديد شبكة الألياف البصرية لوزارة الاتصالات في بلدة ترشيش قضاء زحلة، فوقف أهالي بلدة ترشيش في وجههم رافضين الأمر.
وتحدثت معلومات صحفية حينها أن حزب الله الذي توقف عن مد الشبكة بعد جدل سياسي كبير ومظاهر مسلحة في البلدة، باشر بعدها بمدّ شبكة هاتفية في بلدات رياق وحوش حالا وحي السلم في قضاء زحلة.
“No side, whether it is official or unofficial, has the right to use the ministry’s network for its personal use without first receiving legal permission from the ministry to do so.”
cute, but notice how Hajj Unibrow's ministry did not deny that the Iranian Islamic terrorist militia in lebanon was illegally using ministry’s network. Ironically when the Iranian Islamic terrorist militia in lebanon’s bee2a al 7adinah don't pay for legally using ministry’s network!
The refugees r gonna double this year, Syria will only get worse, hizballah is getting ready for war, Israel is getting ready for war, Iran is getting ready for war, America is alway looking for war, the gulf is arming itself in record amounts... Poor Lebanon.
My god honestly poor Lebanon. soon you'll have more Syrians and already we have palis, I feel its all set by my S-powers to change the demography of Lebanon. I Christians are the sole losers. israelis want to see mini destabilized states fighting each other in the name of god, like what we are seeing in iraq, egypt................my advice start packing,start a new life its a waste of time & forget..... that's what I did
we are here to stay. Lebanon is our country and whoever comes in we will not budge and fight them out.
yes gamel abdel Nasser came and went, Arafat came and went, the Syrians came and went, and now the Iranians are here but not for long, I promise you that.
we will regain our country against all the efforts deployed by the fpm traitors working for the Iranian master plan.
nice said geha. Those expats want to rationalize to themselves why they have left and do so by playing doomsday scenarios.
filthy iranian paid militia--
to prevent the appearance of a converup by the ministers office, there should be an independent investigative body set up to investigate these claims, especially during these days of extreme partisanship.
Guys, its very sad that we are being shortsighted and seeing Hezbollah as the problem when the real problem is actually Israel - a country which terrorizes our skies EVERYDAY, kills our children, and is the problem for all our strife: Some people want to fight it and others don't. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but at the end of the day, you know that it wont leave Lebanon alone and our problems will never be solved unless it stops its agression towards all Arabs. This isn't supporting any political group - this post supports Lebanon in the face of constant RACIST ISRAELI aggression.
eltigar, so you weren't hurt when lebanese children were being bombed to pieces? What kind of logic is this? If you don't feel hurt when your people get bombed as long as they are from the south, then what is the point in even having a lebanon? And if someone from the south don't get hurt by what happened to the people in the north by hafez's army, then i ask the same question, why are we a people if we don't get hurt when our so called people get hurt?
Agree with you, Joseph. Lebanese should read about Moshe Sharett's diary. He was both Pres. & PM of Israel during the 50's but did not support the Zionist. In his diary he states that, from the outset, Israel's goal & actions were toward turning Christians & Moslems against each other.
Moreover, Oded Yinon, journalist & former member P Is. parliament wrote an article in 1982 using Lebanon as an example of divisions and weakening for all other Arab countries. Iraq was his first target, as it came to pass. Is it not about time religion was relegated to loving God and people united against foreign interfer
I just cant believe you referred to hizb as noble resistance bro come on dude that is just a decoy to their main ambition of the islamic revolution in Lebanon and it says so on their blasphemous flag, and if anything salafists are even worse,PARTITION is the only answer.
You guys are so educated with your Wikipedia references. Nothing gets past you people.
FT you always seem to bring back the past to excuse present issues. tell me in all honesty what your position will be when you realize beyond a shadow of a doubt that your partners HA are behind the murders of Prime Minister Rafiik Al Harriri and the long chain of murders that followed.
FT: Atalto bashir la2anno arrar y7ell ouwet bas sar ra2is".
This remark my friend personifies the venomes nature of a Aouni. The only lunatic that wanted to demantle the ouwet after he became ra2is was your power hungry General.