تقارير: 27 عملية خطف شهدها لبنان خلال عام
Read this story in Englishشهدت مختلف المناطق اللبنانية وخصوصاً البقاع 27 حالة خطف حصلت خلال عام، وتحديداً قرب مدينتي شتورا وزحلة، نفذها 19 مطلوباً للعدالة معظمهم من بعلبك-الهرمل.
ونشرت صحيفة "النهار" تقريراً امنياً، كشف ان 27 حالة خطف حصلت خلال عام معظمها في البقاع وتحديداً قرب مدينتي شتوره وزحلة، ونفذ عمليات الخطف 19 مطلوباً للعدالة جلهم من بعلبك الهرمل، عدا عن ثلاثة اشخاص من منطقة الشوف.
والابرز في هذا التقرير، هو ان مجموع ما حصل عليه الخاطفون من فدية لاطلاق المخطوفين ناهز الـ5 ملايين دولار من دون احتساب المبالغ التي دفعها بعض ذوي المخطوفين والتي لم تحدد قيمتها.
ويشير التقرير ان عصابة م. ف. إ قامت بمعظم عمليات الخطف، تلتها عصابة ح. ع. ج في البقاع وعصابة و. ع وم. ع. من بلدة كترمايا في اقليم الخروب.
وشارك في عمليات الخطف نحو 20 شخصاً، بينهم سوريون.
وكثرت في الآونة الاخيرة عمليات الخطف في مختلف المناطق اللبنانية، مقابل مبالغ طائلة من المال مقابل اطلاق المخطوفين، وقد نجح الجيش اللبناني وعبر مداهمات نفذها بالقاء القبض على متهمين بعمليات الخطف.
This is what you get when you have a Hezbollah government ready to cover up for their thugs, and weaken the police and the army. I hope, only for the sake of business, economy, and for the general well being of this country that we will get a fresh government soon!
Waynak ya Michel Aoun who was supposed to clean up this country and get us ridd of the thugs and the corrupt!? You are the worst of them all, YOU and your Hezbollah Thugs!
It is a bad image for lebanon, but changing government will not do much. the 7 estonians have been kidnapped by sunni extremists of the bekaa, kept in syria across the border in zabadani (now we know what the kidnapped men wanted from the government of Turkey, KSA, France and US: weapons for the FSA), and Saad Hariri was still in Beirut, formally being the head of the government. the Estonians were released with Miqati, and Minister Charbel arrested most of the culprits. the Meqdad case has been dealt with, too. The Smeha affaire also, if confirmed, would be the first case of dismantling major terrorist attacks. It would prove that Lebanon can fix its problems sometimes by itself.
So, for all of the above reasons, I would not wait for a "fresh" Government made in KSA. Besides, I would be positively surprised if Saad Hariri came back from his self-imposed exile and played Lebanese politics from Lebanon.
spartacus, your comments are pretty twisted...stop being so agitated by KSA, last time I checked, Lebanese work in KSA, get treated well, and sens billions every year to their families while not one Lebanese guy I know works in Iran. we get a large number of visitors from KSA every year they spend lot of money, and if it was not of Hizb allah and Aoun stances, number of gulf visitors would have been 10 times higher. I never seen one tourist from Iran ever in Lebanon, maybe only terrorists....please do not twist reality to justify why you are following your leaders when they make no sense whatsoever...Aoun totally rejects the US, Europe and gulf countries, while he is embracing a country in verge of bankruptcy, and another committing an ugly genocide , for god sake spartacus does this make sense to you? do you think Lebanon should not benefit from oil rich Golf countries?
just remember spartacus that as many Christians in Saudi Arabiya made money there as their Muslim brothers, if that country was bloody insane and fanatic as your leaders are convincing you , would they really have treated Lebanese Christians this way? and please do not get met BS argument that we Lebanese built their country and we are super special, with kind of money they would have hired the best out of best to do same job...please guys let us stick to facts, you do not like hariri please vote for him, same applies for Ja3ja3, but please do not follow a leader without you using common sense, every Lebanese in Kessaroin should really vote for ex minister Baroud, a neutral and successful leader....please do not vote for same garbage, listening to latest Aoun speeches, it really damages your IQ, is Gebran Bassil greta leader who will save nation from corruption? have you have been in Batroun, guy is worth now half a billion dollar...