الاتحاد الاوروبي يرفض طلب اسرائيل ادراج حزب الله في لائحته السوداء

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رفض الاتحاد الاوروبي الثلاثاء طلب وزير الخارجية الاسرائيلي افيغدور ليبرمان ادراج حزب الله في لائحته السوداء للمنظمات الارهابية بعد الهجوم الانتحاري الذي استهدف اسرائيليين الاسبوع الماضي في بلغاريا.

وقالت وزيرة الخارجية القبرصية ايراتو كوزاكو-ماركوليس التي تتولى بلادها الرئاسة الدورية للاتحاد الاوروبي "لم يتحقق توافق على ادراج حزب الله في لائحة المنظمات الارهابية".

لكنها اوضحت ان الاتحاد الاوروبي قد ينظر في ادراج حزب الله في لائحة المنظمات الارهابية اذا ما توافرت ادلة ملموسة عن تورطه في اعمال ارهابية.

وقد اسفر الهجوم الانتحاري الاول من نوعه في بلغاريا عن مقتل خمسة سياح اسرائيليين والسائق البلغاري للحافلة التي كانت تنقل هؤلاء السائحين الذين وصلوا الى مطار بورغاس على البحر الاسود.

واتهمت اسرائيل ايران باصدار الامر بالهجوم وحزب الله بتنفيذه، الا انهما نفيا هذه التهمة.

واعتبر ليبرمان الذي كان الى جانب الوزيرة القبرصية بعد لقاء سنوي مع الاتحاد الاوروبي، ان الوقت "حان لادراج حزب الله في لائحة المنظمات الارهابية في اوروبا".

واضاف "من شأن ذلك ان يعطي اشارة جيدة للمجموعة الدولية والشعب الاسرائيلي".

لكن وزيرة الخارجية القبرصية ذكرت من جهتها بأن حزب الله حزب "فاعل في السياسة اللبنانية" وقوة عسكرية.

التعليقات 9
Thumb extramildcake 18:29 ,2012 تموز 24

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. But in Lebanon, my man is better than your man because my man is this religion and your man is that religion and my religion is more sacred than your religion. That is why I live in a neighborhood that only has members of my religion and I drive a car with a symbol of my religion on it and only vote and listen to politicians of my religion even though they might say some stupid things.

Default-user-icon Maxx (ضيف) 19:04 ,2012 تموز 24

On the one hand, I am glad for this decision: EU has refused, once again, to succumb to Israeli political pressure. For which I commend the 27. Unfortunately, on the other hand, Hizb-Al-Kuffar (7aram to mention the Hizb and the Sanctified word of Allah in the same sentence) ARE a terrorist organization! If it were a Lebanese official who had urged the EU to adopt such a stance, it would have been different. Because above all, Hizb-al-Tughat are a menace to Lebanon and the Lebanese people (because, with all due respect to the dead in Bulgaria, they are as nothing compared to those dead by Hizb-al-Suffala in Lebanon.

Thumb jcamerican 19:17 ,2012 تموز 24

Now this is a big slap in the face. Finally Europe stood up to US and Israel.

Thumb Bandoul 21:11 ,2012 تموز 24

The Party of God = Pervasive Cancer, pure and evil, unrelenting and undeterred, hell bent on cancelling at least 50% of the Lebanese population by any means necessary including and up to lies, propaganda, disinformation and terror tactics. They are belligerent, defiant and indifferent. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a card carrying member with the same exact disposition.

Guess what? The EU is a card carrying member or afraid to be the next target. These fools think their pet Python will not bite the hand that feeds it one day. FOOLS! The Party of God will reward you for your indiscretion as soon as IRAN rings Nassrallah's bell and orders him to make it so. COWARDS!

Thumb bigsami 21:50 ,2012 تموز 24

Too early to be celebrating bonehead because they have yet to complete a thorough investigation of this bombing in Bulgaria and pin point the murderers. Remember if u r capable, you are innocent until proven guilty. Unlike your HA mode of operation....guilty until proven innocent. Look how long it took to prove your scum bags killed our beloved Rafik. Same goes here....soon they will have concrete evidence linking the blood of innocent people on the hands of HA. At that point you will see the EU change it's stance.

Thumb bigsami 21:52 ,2012 تموز 24

You are right Motormouth....Not without/until solid proof is presented. Don't hold your breath. It will. These regressed HA murderers can not even cover up the tracks of a mouse!

Thumb bigsami 23:09 ,2012 تموز 24

Funny how ALIAS BSThrower responded for Motormouth....LOL. What a freak!

Thumb kanaandian 08:18 ,2012 تموز 25

It was a suicide bomber. Could have been a Wahabi trying to pin it on Hezbollah, dead Jews and get the Shiites bombed. Double bonus!

Seriously now, do Shiites engage in suicide bombings?

Missing allouchi 01:32 ,2012 تموز 27

The US marine's compound in Beirut !!! remember