24 قتيلا في سوريا بينهم سبعة جنود خلال اشتباكات تجري في ريف حلب
Read this story in Englishقتل 24 شخصا في اعمال عنف في مدن سورية بينهم عشرون شخصا خلال اشتباكات تجري بين الجيش ومجموعة منشقة عنه منذ الثلاثاء في ريف حلب ثاني المدن السورية
وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان في بيان ان "الاشتباكات استمرت بين الجيش ومجموعة منشقة لليوم الثاني على التوالي في بلدة الاتارب" في ريف حلب.
واضاف المرصد ان "عدد الشهداء المدنيين الذين سقطوا خلال الاربعة وعشرين ساعة الماضية ارتفع الى تسعة كما سقط اربعة منشقين، وسبعة جنود بينهم (ضابطان برتبة) عقيد وملازم اول".
كما أشار الى ان الاشتباكات ما تزال مستمرة حتى الآن، موضحا ان اصوات الرصاص الكثيف كانت تسمع قبل قليل (7,30 تغ) قرب قسم الشرطة في البلدة".
وفي ريف ادلب (شمال غرب)، اضاف المرصد "قتل ثلاثة مواطنين في مدينة جسر الشغور اثر انفجار عبوة ناسفة فيما تعرضت مدينة سراقب لاطلاق نار من رشاشسات ثقيلة".
كما سمعت اصوات انفجارات واطلاق رصاص في مدينة ادلب.
وفي ريف درعا (جنوب)، قتلت طالبة اثر اصابتها باطلاق رصاص قرب قرية النعيمة التي تنفذ فيها القوات العسكرية حملة مداهمات واعتقالات بحثا عن مطلوبين من السلطات. بحسب المرصد.
واشار المرصد الى ان قوات عسكرية تحاصر منذ الصباح نحو ثلاثين منشقا في وادي بلدة سحم الجولان وتقوم الان برمي القنابل باتجاه الوادي، ولفت الى سقوط جرحى في صفوف المنشقين.
وفي حماة (وسط) اكد المرصد في بيان منفصل ان "قوات عسكرية اقتحمت صباح اليوم (الاربعاء) مدينة حماة".
وكشف أن "اصوات الانفجارات سمعت بشكل كبير في احياء الحميدية والاربعين ومشاع الاربعين" لافتا الى انقطاع الاتصالات الارضية والخليوية وخدمة الانترنت.
وفي حمص، معقل الحركة الاحتجاجية ضد النظام، اشار المرصد الى عدة انفجارات هزت حي كرم الزيتون كما تسببت سحب الدخان الاسود الناجمة عن انفجار خط النفط في حالة اختناق في حي بابا عمرو".
وكان ناشطون ذكروا في وقت سابق الاربعاء ان القوات السورية قامت بقصف انبوب للنفط في حمص فيما اتهم مصدر رسمي سوري "مجموعات ارهابية مسلحة" بتفجير الانبوب الذي يمد دمشق والمنطقة الجنوبية بالمازوت.
وفي دمشق، إقتحمت قوات امنية تضم ناقلات جند مدرعة صباح الاربعاء حي برزة ونصبت الحواجز في الشوارع وبدات بتنفيذ حملة مداهمات واعتقالات، حسب المصدر نفسه.
كما نفذت القوات السورية حملة مداهمات واعتقالات منذ فجر اليوم في بلدة العشارة التابعة لريف دير الزور أسفرت عن اعتقال 16 مواطنا، بحسب المرصد.
وفي ريف دمشق، قال المرصد ان شابا توفي في بلدة حرستا متاثرا بجروح اصيب بها مساء امس اثر انفجار قنبلة داخل سيارته بعد مروره من حاجز امني.
وتابع ان ناشطين من البلدة اتهموا عناصر الحاجز بوضع القنبلة داخل السيارة.
I feel very bad for all the innocent people. But the ones to blame are the opposition mostly,when you use weapons against your own government, what do you expect? Then the regime for having to deal with the situation like this. In short the people would be better off without both of them, since both of them are striving for control of the country, on the people's expense.
The Syrian regime and it's Lebanese allies used a similar arguments to blame the Christians leaders for what the Syrian army was doing to the East Beirut. But that's not important, right?
They were peaceful for many many months and he did nothing to take care of business... I personally encourage a full blown military revolution and ask the Syrian army to side with the people
jamerican gives us here a nice lesson of Democracy... "the ones to blame are the opposition mostly,when you use weapons against your own government, what do you expect?"
yaaa...zaki! When you have been living under a totalitarian regime, when you have no voting power, when you are not allowed freedom of speech, when your president is elected by 97% of the population (sic!), when a religious (minuscule) minority controls your country, when demonstrations are forbidden by the regime, when you live under a regime that tortures children and executes people in hospitals, when you live under a regime that eradicated entire villages...What are you supposed to do ya jc?? For info, "opposition" has never been allowed for the past 60 years in Syria...pffff...
As long you are arabs, there is no democracy. Democracy is for intellects and innovators. Not Followers. Tell me about one democratic country in the arab world.
I forgot, when Hizballah use their weapon as opposition, hope you will be more supportive.
I know I know ... LEBANON ... we have 17 Dictators instead of one... so when a decision needs to be made they vote between each other ... ;)
patriot you are incompetent and wrong. the syrian president was elected with 99% of the population. hahah we dont want to get the farsi propaganda machine to get riled up over inaccurate numbers. after all, they take great pride in the fact that 99% of the people support the wali!
Hmmm... it is actually 97.29 ... they are serious people you know...they give credible and precise figures ;)
aaaaaahhhhh... sweaty,cookie,thrower... We all admire your cold blood, your toughness, your roughness, and your excellence at political analysis... ;)
Seriously man... stop making a fool of yourself...you're pathetic!
dont care who wins as long as they keep kiling each other.....noone said anything when they were here and they were killing us..Karma
good...good...after homs, it's hama and it's mostly over.
that's why the zionist media terrorists are so furious. they are starting to realize what was clear from begining: that their mercenaries in syria will fail.
jabalamel, why don't you do what the other camp do, vote for your friends, I got 0 votes man. LMAO
the filthy zionist media scum hallucinate something about me voting, like my voting is their business.
All I can say is that I wish you were a citizen of homs or hama so you would understand what you are talking about.
just more ignorant ziballah or aoun followers who claim to be intellectuals when they have no sympathy for arab blood. They also tend to live in Western countries and collect government aid while they bitch about the country that gives them such aid! And with regard to the ones in Lebanon, hence that but for them being ignorant, we wouldn't have such politicians elected into public officer.
I recall a few years ago when i inquired as to why people voted for aoun, part of it was the hatred for the Lebanese forces, and the other reason that they gave was because Hariri and March 14 were thieves and didnt do anything for the Christian areas.
So today I ask them the same question. How can you vote for Aoun when he is a crook and corrupt with a private jet, and what has he done for the Christian areas?
the filthy zionist media terrorists cannot post anything for once anymore.
manical phase in full swing now.
waw! still nothing to say just here to entertain me! thank you so much jabelahbal the microbian zionist clown!!!
it shows you are victim of bashar s and M8 propaganda... the revolt is not sunni salafi led even if they try to take some advantages...
the day you ll understand the true aspirations of the oppressed people of syria you will make a great leap towards understanding...
may i remind you once again that even your general shouted he wanted the fall of the assad s regime before taking iranman as his pimp....
the filthy zionist media scum hallucinate about patriotic lebanese being victims of bashar and m8 propaganda and some other stupidities.
It disgusts me how the media reports the actions of the so-called "free syria army" murder's of there fellow compatriots in the Syrian army as something natural or legitimate!
I know my friend. He hasn't got a clue what he is talking about...probabely another 12 years old...
Don't mix up everything. We were the victims of the El Assad family, not of the syrian people...