ريفي: "خائن" من لا يشارك في جلسات انتخاب رئيس

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اعتبر وزير العدل أشرف ريفي ان من لا يشارك في جلسات انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية هو "خائن"، مشدداً في الوقت عينه على ان بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا "خط أحمر".

وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده ظهر السبت، نبّه ريفي الى ان الشغور الرئاسي "خلق فجوة كبيرة في مظلة الأمان السياسي في البلد". وأكد اننا "لن نسمح أن يرتبط المشروع الايراني بانتخاب الرئيس".

ويعيش لبنان فراغاً رئاسياً منذ ايار 2014 لرفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته وفشل النواب في التوافق على اسم رئيس.

من جهة أخرى، دعا ريفي حزب الله إلى "الكف عن الرهان على المشروع التوسعي الفارسي وإلى العودة من سوريا للمحافظة على لبنان".

ورأى ان "من يعتقد أننا نقبل أي تطاول على عرسال واهم"، مشيراً إلى أن البلدة "خط أحمر".

واذ أكد "عدم التهاون في حماية عرسال كما بعلبك وبريتال وكل شبر من أرض لبنان"، وجه تحبة إلى أهالي عرسال "الذين أثبتوا كأهالي طرابلس أن خيارهم هو الدولة اللبنانية وعرسال ليست جزيرة معزولة عن الوطن".

وتشهد الحدود الشرقية معارك بين حزب الله و مجموعات مسلحة، قرر الحزب "التخلص منها" بحسب أمينه العام الذي أعلن في خطاب له الاحد أن "اهالي البقاع لن يقبلوا بوجود ارهابي واحد في جرود عرسال".

أما الامن داخل البلدة فقال الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله انها من مسؤولية الحكومة مطالبا ايها بالتحرك لمنع تسلل المسلحين اليها و تواجدهم فيها.


التعليقات 23
Thumb geha 14:49 ,2015 أيار 30

unfortunately, the fpm and hizbushaitan MPs know they are traitors to Lebanon, but to no avail.....

Thumb Mystic 14:50 ,2015 أيار 30

Rifi shouldn't be the one calling others traitors. He is the official Da3ish spokesperson of Lebanon himself.

Thumb Mystic 18:50 ,2015 أيار 30

Who is going to stand for the trial? The STL? Rifi the wahabi runs that court.

Thumb -phoenix1 21:21 ,2015 أيار 30

Proof if you please ya Mystic, prove it and I'll approve it, simple.

Missing helicopter 22:46 ,2015 أيار 30

Mystic, your boss Nasrallah the other day said Rifi and other Future officials will be the first victims of ISIS if they enter Lebanon. How dare you contradict him.

Missing helicopter 22:47 ,2015 أيار 30

Any wonder mowaten declared Lebanon as a banana Republic, he must have seen your post.

Thumb thepatriot 10:12 ,2015 حزيران 01

Mastika! Why isn't Aoun going to vote at the parliament? Why isn't Ebola going? WHY?

Thumb canadianpaul 15:06 ,2015 أيار 30

Once this all clears and we have a new president some time in the next century (if there's still an entity called Lebanon), they should think about envisaging to maybe try and change the constitution to electing a president with whoever shows up to Parliament.

Thumb canadianpaul 15:32 ,2015 أيار 30

You make so much sense, but who's listening?

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:10 ,2015 أيار 30

Yea, go ahead anonyme, put it in the constitution! You're right, the existing constitution is just here for the decor, if it doesnt work the way you want, just go ahead and replace it with the one you just imagined!

Thumb thepatriot 10:14 ,2015 حزيران 01

isn't it Aoun who wants to change it every time it does not suit him? Isn't it Aoun who now wants a direct vote from the people, therefore a change in the constitution ya momo??????

Missing helicopter 18:25 ,2015 أيار 30

No need for the Constitution telling us how to elect Presidents. We have Southern to tell us who is a viable President.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:26 ,2015 أيار 30

LOL when the "justice minister" starts using words like that, with very heavy legal connotations completely out of their legal framework, that's when you know you're in a banana republic. Only the bananas are being thrown at Rifi by the Sauds, and he's jumping to catch them like the good puppy he is.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:34 ,2015 أيار 30

As a little hint for rifi and his pj lapdog, "treason" is when you give aid and comfort to the enemies of the nation, like.. you know.. when m14 armed and aided foreign takfiri terrorists, or when rifi armed ahmad assir and enabled him to kill dozens of lebanese soldiers... mister "glass house" should be careful if he wants to start throwing stones around..

Thumb barrymore 21:06 ,2015 أيار 30

how much do you get paid to post such rhetoric? Do you have proof that Rifi armed Assir or anybody else. Do you think by making such claims people believe what you say?

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:49 ,2015 أيار 30

en effet, ca doit etre ce que je te balance a la figure :)

Missing helicopter 22:45 ,2015 أيار 30

mowaten, even a banana republic will not allow a militia like HA to exist in order to propagate Foreign ideology and protege in its midst.

Missing mohammad_ca 11:20 ,2015 أيار 31

Treason like you know...when the leader of an exclusively sectarian terrorist militia says that all their decisions including war and peace and therefore the election of a president are dictated by a foreign vilayet e faqih

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:30 ,2015 أيار 30

Funny how easily facts are invented and distorted by propagandists like lejack... They simply don't care about truth, so they just puke out whatever BS they can think of...

Thumb beiruti 20:17 ,2015 أيار 30

Those Deputies who willfully refuse to perform their duties should be removed from office and the Quorum established without counting their number toward the 2/3 required to meet and elect a president.

Thumb barrymore 21:07 ,2015 أيار 30

never read any comment of yours that made any sense!

Thumb -phoenix1 21:23 ,2015 أيار 30

Quote: "Rifi Names as 'Traitor' Anyone Who Fails to Attend Election Sessions", end of quote. Some may doubt Rifi, but then, knowing your opponents' mind make this statement of his worth its weight in gold.

Thumb thepatriot 10:10 ,2015 حزيران 01

Really Southy? Then why doesn't he go to parliament to cast his vote (for himself) with his little Ebola friends?