جعجع: حزب الله وداعش "وجهان لعملة واحدة" ومنطق الدولة هو المنتصر

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اعتبر رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان "حزب الله" وتنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" هما "وجهان لعملة واحدة" وان "وجود الواحد منهما يغذي الآخر"، مشدداً في الوقت نفسه على ان المنتصر الأخير هو "منطق الدولة".

ففي مقابلة مع صحيفة "الرؤية" الاماراتية، الاثنين، رأى جعجع ان "حزب الله هو عدو داعش إذ إنهما يتقاتلان في الاحداث الراهنة، الا انهما على المستوى المبدئي وجهان لعملة سياسية واحدة هي الإسلام السياسي".

واشار الى ان "وجود الواحد منهما يُغذي الآخر حتماً" موضحاً ان "مجرد وجود حزب الله بالشكل الذي هو عليه دفع بالكثيرين إلى تبني الإرهاب".

يُشار الى ان "داعش" هو تنظيم مقرّب من القاعدة، وقد برز في الآونة الاخيرة جراء الازمة السورية المندلعة منذ آذار 2011. وقد تبنى التنظيم اعمالاً ارهابية واطلاق صواريخ على بلدات بقاعية تابعة لحزب الله، كما انه سيطر على اراضٍ عدة في سوريا والعراق والشرق الوسط.

من جهةٍ اخرى، يشارك حزب الله الى جانب قوات النظام السوري ضد الجماعات الارهابية منذ اندلاع الازمة في سوريا.

وعلى الرغم من انتشار ظاهرة الارهاب، اكد جعجع عبر "الرؤية" ان "منطق الدولة هو الذي سينتصر في النهاية" موضحاً أن "الدولة هي ضمن منطق التاريخ بينما الأصولية تسير بعكسه".

الى ذلك، اعرب عن اطمئنانه من "قوة الجيش ووحدته على مواجهة الإرهاب" معتبراً ان ذلك " ينبع من تفاهم كل الفرقاء اللبنانيين على هذا الأمر".

ولقد خاض الجيش الجمعة معركة دامية، ضد مسلحين حاولوا السيطرة على احد مواقعه في تلة الحمرا في جرود رأس بعلبك، غير ان الاخير استعاد السيطرة على المنطقة السبت، بعد مقتل ثمانية عسكريين واصابة عدد من الجرحى، وتحقيق العشرات من القتلى والجرحى في صفوف المسلحين.



التعليقات 53
Thumb nickjames 09:35 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Get ready for Flamey to call Geagea a Saudi bootlicker in 3...2...1...

Default-user-icon Phil (ضيف) 10:41 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Don't forget the disrespectful Mystic who never fails at flooding these boards with offensive posts reflecting his radical Hizbollah ideology.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:46 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

the only offensive posts in here are the ones by israelis like you phil, and the ones your local takfiri supporters

Thumb Mystic 14:46 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

This childkiller called Geagea, whom you takfiri lovers worship. Are the biggest terrorist in Lebanons history. I didn't expect any other garbage words from this clown called Lady Gaga.

Missing greatpierro 12:31 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

c'est l'hôpital qui se moque de la charité

Missing trend 16:57 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

to Geagea: You and Aoun, Two Sides Of Same Coin!

Default-user-icon HizbolShaitan (ضيف) 18:15 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

To trend: Idiots need no ID cards!!!

Thumb nickjames 18:44 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Flamey, and when was that comment, 12 hours after everyone stopped commenting like you always do? Lol

Thumb Elemental 07:57 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

I see the fake accounts brigade was out in full force, morning all.

Thumb westernlebanese 09:47 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Geagea is 100% right.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

lol yea, the soapbox orator has spoken, all zombies hail his demagoguery!

Thumb geha 12:02 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

what mowaten, FT, mystic and others refuse to see is that more than half the Lebanese people agree with Geagea and consider hizbushaitan as the equivalent of Daesh and Israel.
it is the same religious political dogmas.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:18 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

oh i understand very well what he's doing geha, and i understand that impression you have: you think he's speaking some sort of amazing truth and oozing wisdom because he repeats what (much less than) half the people think... and that's exactly what i meant when i called him a demagogue.

FYI: "A demagogue /ˈdɛməɡɒɡ/ (from French "demagogue", derived in turn from the Greek "demos" = people/folk and the verb "ago" = carry/manipulate thus "people's manipulator") or rabble-rouser is a political leader in a democracy who appeals to the emotions, fears, prejudices, and ignorance of the lower classes in order to gain power and promote political motives."
sounds familiar?

Thumb geha 12:57 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

why does speaking the truth hurt you so much??????

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:35 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

hahahahah if that's your "truth" i feel sorry for you dude.

Default-user-icon full.disclosure. (ضيف) 03:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

18 up votes mowaten? Lol, oooook yea, those multiples accounts DEFINTIELY are legit lmao!!! This site is such a joke

Thumb nickjames 09:50 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

“But dogmatically, it (Hizbullah) and the IS are the two sides of a single political currency which is political Islam. The presence of one of them nurtures the other,” he said.

Political Islam that's a great euphemism for Islamic terrorism...

Thumb EagleDawn 12:38 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Not so long ago, the incredible credible flamethrower said:
I respect many differing opinions and you know it.""

and this respect is clearly demonstrated in all his posts and the one post above is a prime example of the respect he shows others.

Thumb nickjames 09:54 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Turning to the terrorist threat facing Lebanon, Geagea said: “The logic of the state will eventually win.”

How is there logic in the state when we have no president and the same Parliament for eight years?

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:51 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

doesn't need to have a logic, like everything djadja says, it only has to sound vaguely pompous for his followers to get hyped

Default-user-icon full.disclosure. (ضيف) 03:47 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

19 up votes for mowaten? Lol, oooook yea, those multiples accounts DEFINTIELY are legit lmao!!! This site is such a joke

Thumb joebustani 10:12 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

_mowaten_ is a known troll on this forum; what do you expect @full.disclosure. (Guest) ?

Thumb nickjames 09:54 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Turning to the terrorist threat facing Lebanon, Geagea said: “The logic of the state will eventually win.”

How is there logic in the state when we have no president and the same Parliament for eight years?

Thumb ex-fpm 09:59 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

it (Hizbullah) and the IS are the two sides of a single political currency which is political Islam. The presence of one of them nurtures the other,” he said.

Geagea ever the statesman, ever the shrewd politician, ever the patriot. Bless you

Missing greatpierro 10:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Yes indeed well said. Shiite political islam on one side and Sunni political islam on the other. However the shiite political islam led by Iran is so well organized and has been swapping the arab world since over 30 years. Iran is arming, financing, training militias in Syrian, Lebanon, Iraq, Gaza, Sudan, and Yemen. They had a go in Sinaï but their attempts were aborted thanks to Sisi.
What is really chocking is that some christians like clAoun are allying themselves with the Shiite political against sunni political Islam, when there sunnis and shia who are distancing themselves from any political islam.

Missing humble 10:17 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

We said it before him. Ebola, ISIS, ISRAEL, IRAN, SYRIA same terrorists methods.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:53 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

bravo humble, you're such a precursor! it's like you invented a whole new concept of retarded hating and dodgy comparisons! everybody being retarded should pay you royalties for the use of your intellectual property

Missing humble 11:25 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Sure. You should be among the first to pay me royalties.
Royalties on Imbassil, on the Caporal, on the corruption of the Tayyar inner circle, on the mental illness and megalomania of the mareedman, and on the traitors following a traitor. That makes some substantial royalties.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

dont get too greedy boy, start with geagea, he's the one repeating your revolutionary concepts.

Missing humble 10:24 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

What does the Caporal answer to this?

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

hahahaha lebjack, sorry but israelis dont get a vote in our politics.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:21 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

oh yes you are, but i didnt expect you to admit it. being an israeli, lies and deception are like a second nature for you

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:33 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

he's forgiven them everything, he has a big heart like that.

Default-user-icon full.disclosure. (ضيف) 03:46 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

18 up votes? Lol, oooook yea, those multiples accounts DEFINTIELY are legit lmao!!! This site is such a joke

Thumb EagleDawn 11:13 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

from one poster to the other mowaten the mouthpiece has nothing to say except harass, mock, and disrupt posters. Five comments so far and no substance in any of them except personal attacks. When he is not posting under one of his tens of aliases he posts as a guest to insult people. What gives it away is his grammar and language like his use of the word "djadja" which he used as a guest blasting the forum with insults. What a troll !

Thumb EagleDawn 12:41 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

always with wings flamethrower?

Missing humble 11:27 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26


You should be among the first to pay me royalties.
Royalties on Imbassil, on the Caporal, on the corruption of the Tayyar inner circle, on the mental illness and megalomania of the mareedman, and on the traitors following a traitor. That makes some substantial royalties.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:49 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

the enemy of my enemy is my friend
the number one enemy of the west and civilized world is isis
and the biggest enemy of isis in the region and specially Lebanon is hizb
so hizb and the west and civilized world are friends
and the enemy of all extremisime is democracy
god bless democracy

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:41 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

i dont really think ISIS is the enemy of the west.. all their attacks are against arabs and the countries they are destroying are not those of the west... the countries they are destroying are the ones the west wanted destroyed, first iraq and now syria..

however, hezbollah being ISrael's enemy, and ISIS being hezbollah's enemy, that makes the two "ISes" friends...

Missing humble 12:05 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Excellent. If the Caporal doesn't react, his silence means he agrees...
Ebola, and Iran aren't going to like it after all the millions they gave him...
Caporal the servant will react. Mark my words.

Missing humble 12:07 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Caporal will have a Tayyar lower grade person to answer. Like jreissati who is another dirty servant.

Thumb Sanelebanese 12:38 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Totally true. Both are savages, who have no respect for human life, or morals.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:43 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

to think HA and ISIS have anything in common makes you either a total ignorant or a hypocrite slanderer.

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 14:01 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

oh _mowaten_ you scare me sometimes!!!! I was thinking the same thing, exactly the same thing. We are so so similar it is not even funny anymore. We are both Shia and extremists; We both pretend to be secular and non-prejudicial; We both are malignant narcissists; We both lie and distort and last but not least; We both are paid to post.
_mowaten_, do you think people might think we are the same poster? I hope not

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:42 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

we all need pets FT, i'm just glad mine is entirely paid for by the hasbara dept ;)

Thumb freedomarch 14:15 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Depending on What you want? Shi3as are all in one basket are HizEbolah in Lebanon And Shi3a in Yemen are all Houthis? You tell us and we respect what you come up with! But when the time comes to deal with HizEbola and the Houthis the will be considered on their own ... a small fraction of shi3a ...
One more thing you seem dedicated to defend and defend The terror group called Hizbola and never consider that they make mistakes ever ... do you think about yourself saying the truth rhere?

Thumb freedomarch 14:26 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Both are savages, agree 100% with the Hakim.

Thumb Machia 14:26 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Samir Geagea is courageous enough to say the truth. He was once an armed extremist, but seems to have found his ways after spending some time in jail.
I guess we need to see Netanyahu, Khamanei, Nasrallah, Assad and all their cronies in jail for their crimes against humanity for a decade maybe they will all turn into Geageas.

Default-user-icon caps (ضيف) 15:53 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

Hakim will never be president. The army institution will never allow him to see it since he fought them in 89 and 90. I said it before, he can be president in maarab and not baabda.

Missing peace 19:44 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

he is totally right! even if hezbi lovers believe that hezbollah is a resistance... = fake resistance , resisting only for its power! never for Lebanon!

hezbollah does EVERYTHING fanatics do to brainwash people and make them support it... just look at the facts and compare!

Thumb nickjames 23:26 ,2015 كانون الثاني 26

I see all of the thumb robots are out today...

Thumb liberty 03:39 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

mowaten and flamethrower!

Thumb Elemental 07:58 ,2015 كانون الثاني 27

Pretty much.