الجميل وعون يشددان على اجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية ضمن المهل الدستورية

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أكد رئيس حزب "الكتائب" أمين الجميل ورئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون على ضرورة إجراء الإنتخابات الرئاسية ضمن المهل الدستورية.

وإثر زيارته الرابية الأربعاء، أكد الجميل ان هناك ضرورة وطنية للحفاظ على الاستقرار.

واشار الى أنه "من الضروري ان يتم انتخاب رئيس بالمهل الدستورية"، معتبراً ان "انقاذ الجمهورية يمر بهذا الاستحقاق والا مؤسساتنا الوطنية تكون على كف عفريت".

ووصف اللقاء مع عون بـ"المفيد والإيجابي"، كاشفاً عن انه تم التوافق "على بذل كل الجهود لاتمام هذا الاستحقاق بأسرع وقت".

وأضاف "ما يهمنا ان هذا الاستحقاق يحفظ كل المؤسسات لذلك نريد رئيسا قادر على ذلك ويطمئن كل اللبنانيين".

بدوره،أكد عون أن اللقاء اعطى نتائج ايجابية و"اليوم بدأت مرحلة جديدة بالتعاون مع الجميل".

وشدد على أنه "لدينا اصرار على ان تتم الانتخابات الرئاسية بالاسابيع الثلاثة المقبلة قبل 25 أيار".

وتنتهي ولاية رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في 24 ايار رافضاً الفراغ ومؤكداً انه سيكون في منزله في 25 أيار، وسط تخوف من الفراغ اذ ان الاجواء السياسية لا تبشّر بالتوافق على اسم للرئاسة، خصوصاً بعد فشل النواب في الدورة الاولى من الجلسات الانتخابية من انتخاب رئيس وعدم عقد الدورة الثانية والثالثة لفقدان النصاب. وتم تحديد الخميس 15 ايار موعداً لجلسة جديدة.



التعليقات 17
Thumb -phoenix1 12:51 ,2014 أيار 07

Tot ou tard, we will have a president, but what should be avoided is the now chronic procrastination and the wasting of time. Lebanon is about to enter another Summer tourist season, till now things are shaping up relatively safely one could say. The country desperately needs to work and create income, our greedy Syrian refugees are gobbling up our jobs and businesses, the income from a good Summer season will alleviate a lot of pressing problems, so for once, let everyone start thinking of Lebanon instead of their selfish political agendas.

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:26 ,2014 أيار 07

Aoun is full of Hassan ! His only purpose now is to create VOID!

Thumb mouallek 23:22 ,2014 أيار 07

Vous avez semble-t-il une gtande expérience dans ce domaine. Etes-vous passé par là. Soyez gentil décrivez donc ce qui vous est arrivé. Est-ce que tous ceux qui subissent ce traitement deviennent des cons ?

Thumb -phoenix1 14:01 ,2014 أيار 07

FT, which is why we keep saying the same thing, No Aoun, no Geagea, both are expired products, both are bent on repeating the same things they committed years ago, thus both should now be out of the equation. Let's have new people, who are a lot more attuned to our new realities, bringing the old furniture back is tantamount to accepting that the failure resides with us the people.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:25 ,2014 أيار 07

Looking at this man's picture can only recall the horrid years 1982-1988.
The worst presidency in Lebanon's history. Instead of dying of shame in some corner, he's everywhere.. oh wait a sec. the other choice is a butcher! aren't we all proud to be Lebanese or what?? The only way out is a president directly elected by the people every 6 years!! Not corrupt M.P. deciding on our behalf. If direct elections are not possible, I suggest we abolish this post all together.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:39 ,2014 أيار 07

Thank you Maze,, you said it perfectly. I am looking at this picture, and this is what I see: A failed presidency, and a failed Interim Priministership coupled with a failed Army Commander in Chief. If anyone of these two, or Geagea takes this seat, then we cannot blame them but us, the people for forgettting what wrongs all these did to us all.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:31 ,2014 أيار 07

** Sorry, meant to say Mazen..**

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 15:11 ,2014 أيار 07

amazingly no one dares mention hizb for the presidential elections
cowards only attack aoun not hizb
let the mustaqbal make a deal with HIZB and put aside aoun if they can
in this way they bypass aoun like in hilf el rouba3i
but I hope people forgot who betrayed who in hilf el rouba3i and who turned their back on the Christian majority

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 15:21 ,2014 أيار 07

Taef is the problem amend it so political life can get back on its tracks

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:38 ,2014 أيار 07

That was that one time when the FPM actually abided by the constitution instead of failing to comply with their duties.

In fact, if they boycott parliament once more, they should be irradiated as MPs and replaced.

Thumb zahle1 15:51 ,2014 أيار 07

Right, Aoun and Geagea both will not be elected, and we will have another Suleiman like consensus candidate. These nominations are all politics right now.

Default-user-icon Tony (ضيف) 16:03 ,2014 أيار 07

Why don't Geagea and Gemayel offer Aoun this: Your son-in-law Army chief, GeaGea president this time, Roukouz president next, one Gemayel after that. That should be the message to all of Iranian and Syrian puppets as well as a message to the entire world that we, Lebanese, who invented the alphabet and taught the world law and freedom, know how to do this! All of these men, in their own way, made sacrifices so Lebanon is truly FREE!!

Default-user-icon Jac (ضيف) 17:01 ,2014 أيار 07

Still I do not understand why we call this an election... It's simply a nomination

Thumb cedar 17:16 ,2014 أيار 07

These guys are too old.

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 19:43 ,2014 أيار 07

Often deals as based on win win situation,looking at above faces it seems we have to make a deal between loss or more loss...ironic and sad isn't it.........?

Thumb beiruti 21:16 ,2014 أيار 07

Yes, but what they do not agree on is that Gemayel wants to be elected on May 25 and Aoun wants to be elected on May 25. They are still on different planets.

Much more of this and the rest of the Lebanese will wonder why they have allowed the presidency of the country to be held hostage to the Maronites.

Default-user-icon Joseph (ضيف) 00:11 ,2014 أيار 08

To M14, forget voting for GeaGea, why not vote for Ramzi Irani, Joseph Sader, Samer Hanna, Father Albert Shirfan, Father Souleiman Abi Khalil and all the Lebanese Army martyrs of Oct 13 when Aoun fled to the French Embassy!!