
Geagea: Opposition Will Topple Government at Nearest Opportunity

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed on Thursday that the opposition will adopt democratic measures in order to “get rid of this government and topple it as soon as possible.”

He told Voice of Lebanon radio: “This goal was set seeing as the new government belongs to Syria and Hizbullah … and it is seeking to isolate Lebanon on the Arab and international levels.”

He explained: “It is Syria’s government because it was formed to act as the first line of defense for the Syrian regime and it is Hizbullah’s cabinet because it was formed to confront the indictment in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.”

Asked if the opposition would resort to street action to overthrow it, the LF leader responded: “All democratic options are available.”

On Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun’s statements that former Prime Minister Saad Hariri should be handed a one-way-ticket and remain in Paris, Geagea said: “These remarks reveal the goals for which the government was formed.”

“Such statements are aimed at stirring strife as they target a leader of the Sunni sect,” he added.

Addressing Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem’s recent statements that Syria did not interfere in the government formation process in Lebanon, Geagea said that the recent visits of Minister Talal Arslan and PSP leader MP Walid Jumblat to Syria belie these statements.

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