
Jumblat: Destruction of Homs Real-Estate Records Attempt to Alter City's Identity

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat slammed on Tuesday the international community's ongoing failure to properly address the Syrian crisis, noting its disregard of the developments in the city of Homs, which he predicted would be critical in determining the fate of the crisis.

He added: “The destruction of real-estate records in city and their replacement with others of different sects is an attempt to alter the political and sectarian identity of the regions stretching from Damascus to the Syrian coast.”

He made his remarks in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa website.

Moreover, he noted the “massacres in al-Bayda, Banias, and other regions that are aimed at creating a new demographic reality.”

“The Syrian regime is seeking to transform the minority of the population in those regions into a majority through murder and displacement,” stated the MP.

On this note, Jumblat questioned “the international community's silence over the developments in Syria and inaction over the daily violations of human rights that it has long claimed to protect and uphold.”

He questioned its silence “over the strenuous efforts that are aimed at fragmenting Syria, which will have major repercussions on the Middle East and entire Arab world.”

“Syria's fragmentation will pave the way for regional chaos and wars and sectarian conflicts,” warned the PSP leader.

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