
March 14 from Zahle: Bekaa Residents Paying Price for Harboring Syrian Refugees

The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Monday the “security chaos” in the Bekaa region, warning that its residents are at risk of paying the price of sectarian strife.

It said in a statement: “The residents of the region are paying the price for their harboring of the majority of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.”

It made its statement after an extraordinary meeting held in the Bekaa city of Zahle in light of the frequent clashes witnessed in the region and that are linked to the conflict in Syria.

“The residents of the Bekaa have preserved coexistence during the worst moments of the Lebanese Civil War … and it suffered more than other regions oppression under the decades of Syria's hegemony over the country,” it noted.

“The suffering of its people has increased over the two years since the eruption of the Syrian popular revolt whereby they are paying hefty prices due to the unrest,” it said.

“They are paying the price of the violation of Lebanon's sovereignty by Syria, especially in light of attempts to transform the town of Arsal as a hostage of the crisis,” it continued.

The March 14 General Secretariat declared: “Defending Lebanon's sovereignty and Islamic-Christian coexistence is a national one and it is not limited to one sect or political power without the other.”

“We are all concerned with defending Lebanon and no one has the right to shy away from this responsibility,” it stressed.

On this note, it announced its support of President Michel Suleiman's memorandums on the Syrian violations against Lebanon, demanding that Hizbullah withdraw its fighters from Syria “because it is dragging Lebanon towards strife.”

It also voiced its support to the army's efforts to protect the people and coexistence throughout the country, especially along the border regions with Syria.

The March 14 forces therefore demanded that “a serious and transparent investigation into the recent unrest in the Bekaa be held,” while urging the formation of a “government capable of assuming its responsibilities and maintaining higher national interests.”

They announced the formation of a committee that will meet with various concerned officials in order to follow up on the decisions taken during the Zahle meeting

The general secretariat also condemned the clashes that erupted in the southern city of Sidon on Sunday between the army and supporters of Salafist cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir.

Media reports said last week that the March 14 alliance's meeting in Zahle was planned in light of claims that major clans in the areas of Hermel and Arsal have been arming heavily.

The delicate religious and sectarian balance in Lebanon, has been disrupted by the war across the border in Syria. Tensions have been high for months, with Lebanon's Sunnis largely supporting their brethren in Syria who make up the majority of the rebellion, while Shiites have supported President Bashar Assad.

But Lebanon's splits have been further inflamed after Hizbullah openly joined the fight in Syria on the side of Assad.

Suleiman had presented memorandums last week to the Arab League and United Nations over Syria's violations of Lebanese territories.

Syrian regime troops have carried out attacks on border areas, mainly air raids on the northeastern town of Arsal, which has become an escape route for rebels and people running away from the fighting in Syria.

There have also been several attacks from rebel-held areas of Syria on Hizbullah strongholds in recent months.

Later on Monday, a meeting of independent March 14 MPs condemned the assault waged by al-Asir's supporters against the army, demanding that all forms of armed presence be eliminated from Sidon.

This includes the armed groups that prompted al-Asir to take up arms in the first place, they said in reference to Hizbullah.

They warned that Sunday's attack is an attempt to fragment state institutions and spark civil war in Lebanon.

The independent lawmakers that included MP Butros Harb, Dory Shamoun, Fouad al-Saad, and Antoine Saad voiced their support for the army “and its attempt to impose the rule of law” throughout Lebanon.

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