Prime Minister Najib Miqati on Friday described as “suspicious” the timing of the deadly clashes that erupted earlier in the day between gunmen from Tripoli’s rival neighborhoods of Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh.
“We stress that civil peace is a ‘red line’ and we shall not compromise it,” Miqati vowed at a press conference he held in Tripoli -- where he was previously scheduled, together with the northern city’s ministers, to hold a popular gathering to receive congratulations on the formation of the new cabinet.
“Those who think that they are above the law are mistaken,” the premier said, noting that he had ordered a probe into the deadly incidents and instructed security forces to strike with an “iron fist.”
“I am confident that the situation will be contained this evening,” he reassured citizens, adding that “the army has clear orders to put an end to this sedition.”
Miqati said his government was seeking “stability and development.”
“We won’t allow anyone to harm the city (Tripoli) in any way possible and when security is restored, we will begin the development process,” he pledged.
Asked whether the clashes were some kind of a “message,” Miqati said: “Security forces will put an end to this issue, and regardless of where the message came from, Tripoli will not pay the price and stability in this country is our responsibility.”
Answering another question the premier said “we can’t accuse anyone at the moment and we believe that what’s happening in Syria has nothing to do with us whatsoever.”
Miqati wrapped up the news conference by announcing that the popular meeting previously scheduled for the evening was “canceled in sympathy with the residents of Tripoli.”
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