
Jumblat: Ghassan Qanso, Not Current Political Rookies, Discovered Lebanon's Offshore Oil in 1975

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat revealed on Monday that Dr. Ghassan Qanso was the first individual to discover Lebanon's offshore oil wealth back in the mid-1970s.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa website: “Qanso must be credited for the discovery, not some political and non-political rookies who are marking illusory victories on a daily basis, while the Fatmagul Sultan power vessel is docked with a malfunction and unable to generate electricity.”

He explained that Qanso had conducted a thorough report on the offshore wealth, which he presented to late President Elias Sarkis, however it could not be addressed due to the eruption of the Lebanese Civil War.

“Even though years have passed since the report has been issued, its proposals can still be implemented today,” added the MP.

“In fact these proposal could serve as roadmap for Lebanon's petroleum sector instead of the theories, analyses, and musings being thrown around by the current absurdist team,” Jumblat remarked.

The PSP leader urged the entire Lebanese political class to read up on Qasno's report as “perhaps it may derive lessons from it other than the ones costing millions of dollars.”

Scientist Qasno earned degrees in chemistry and petroleum studies.

He received numerous accolades in Lebanon, the Arab League, and former Yugoslavia for his contributions.

He passed away in 2005.

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