
Hearing in Ain Alaq Bombing Set for May 24

A trial in the case of the 2007 Ain Alaq bombing took place on Friday.

The trial took place against three suspects currently in custody and two others who are still at large, with the next hearing set for May 24.

Friday's trial took place against Kamal al-Naasan, Yasser al-Shuqairi, and Mustapha Sio.

Naasan was able to attend the session, while al-Shuqairi was not taken to the court due to a hunger strike is he is staging.

Sio was also unable to attend the hearing because of back pain.

The in absentia trials took place against Shaker al-Abssi, the head of the Fatah al-Islam militant group, and Mubarak al-Naasan.

Three people were killed and at least 20 others were wounded in a the bombing of two buses in the town of Ain Alaq, south of Bikfaya, on February 13, 2007.

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