Prime Minister Najib Miqati said on Wednesday that he is not considering any resignation of his cabinet in the time being because it might lead to a political crisis in Lebanon.
"Considering Syria's current situation, any miscalculated step might lead to complete chaos in Lebanon,” Miqati said in an interview with al-Arabiya television.
Miqati noted: “I accepted to head the government in 2011 because Lebanon was unstable and torn apart by two conflicting political powers”.
“The country needed an independent figure to secure stability and I was able to achieve this,” he explained, adding that these factors are what drive him today to continue in his role as the head of the Lebanese cabinet.
The PM said securing the continuation of stability in the current "critical conditions would be achieved through holding the parliamentary elections and forming a new government afterwards".
“I urge the Lebanese parties to reach an accord on a new electoral law,” he stated.
The PM's interview took place during his participation in the World Economic Forum in the Swiss ski resort of Davos.
"I strive through my participation in the forum's work to promote Lebanon's image as a haven for freedoms and pluralism in the region,” Miqati said.
"The cabinet's policy of disassociation helped in safeguarding the country from the regional turmoil,” he added.
The PM also revealed that he will suggest the establishment of an institution that promotes good governing practices in Beirut, saying that he has reached out to participating leaders and organizations in the forum to contribute financially and technically to this project.
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