
U.S. Makes Equipment Delivery to Lebanese Army at Hamat Airfield

The United States delivered on Tuesday equipment to the Lebanese army at the Hamat Airfield via C-130 aircraft, the first time an aircraft of this size and type has landed at Hamat Airfield.

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly and senior Lebanese army and U.S. military officers were on hand to observe the delivery.

This delivery contained infrastructure for the construction of a 150 by 50 foot maintenance tent that the Lebanese army helicopter mechanics can use to conduct maintenance on helicopter engines.

The maintenance tent is part of a broader project to provide hangars for the army’s helicopter fleet at Hamat to protect them from high winds, and install flood lighting for the airfield to facilitate safer flying in periods of darkness.

This delivery comes as part of the United States’ ongoing support for the Lebanese army at Hamat Airfield.

The U.S. military has also helped the army with improving the training facilities at Hamat, providing over $1.5 million for the construction of a facility for army units to conduct military live fire training.

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