
Geagea Accuses Hizbullah, Syria of Forming Confrontational Cabinet

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said on Saturday that the main parties involved in the cabinet formation, especially Hizbullah and Syria, want a confrontational government.

“Hizbullah and Syria are heading towards a confrontational cabinet, while President Michel Suleiman and Premier-designate Najib Miqati want a cabinet that is closest possible to the Lebanese reality,” Geagea told Free Lebanon radio.

President Michel Suleiman hinted that the other team didn’t succeed in forming the government, that’s why he claimed that foreign intervention was behind the delay, Geagea said.

Before entering the seventh session of the LF general congress in Maarab, he stressed that although there is a “deadly” standstill in the country, the LF intended to discuss its by-laws.

“Three days have passed on discussions and we’re about to enter the fourth. The reason is that we’re carefully discussing the by-laws and every article is being examined,” Geagea told the radio station.‏

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