
Jumblat Denies Pulling out of New Majority, Says his Latest Stance Aimed at Backing Hizbullah, Syria

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has denied that his latest stance from the March 8 forces and the cabinet formation impasse meant he had fallen out of the new parliamentary majority.

On Monday, Jumblat issued a stern warning to the March 8 coalition, accusing it of failing to form the new government. The Druze chief’s new stance was seen as a blunt attack on the Hizbullah-led alliance, but Jumblat stressed to An Nahar daily in remarks published Tuesday that his statement did not reflect a change in his policies.

On the contrary, he said his statement was aimed at consolidating his alliance with the principles of the resistance and with Syria because the security of the Assad regime is in crisis.

“We hope that it would be able to overcome it as soon as possible. That’s why the government in Lebanon should be formed by Premier-designate Najib Miqati,” Jumblat told An Nahar.

Asked about March 14 allegations that he was falling out of the new majority, the lawmaker said: “Some members of this team are betting on (the formation) of a technocrat cabinet and through their madness betting on the changes in Syria too.”

He advised members of the March 14 alliance not to resort to such an “adventure,” saying “they know that the security of Lebanon and Syria are interlinked.”

Jumblat also described to As Safir newspaper such allegations as “illogical analysis.”

Stressing on his continued alliance with March 8, Jumblat told the daily that “out of his position of friendship” he is advising his allies to end the current paralysis and agree on the same national and Arab principles that are led by the Taef accord and the preservation of the resistance.

“Enough of this vacuum,” he said. “We should know that we can’t continue this way.”

“It is time for us to be aware that we are in need of a cabinet more than ever” to protect the civil society, stability, economy, and the state and its institutions, Jumblat added.

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