
Qassem: Govt Formation Everyone's Responsibility, State Can't Be Built with Militia Mentality

Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem on Sunday noted that "WikiLeaks documents have revealed the presence of militias in Lebanon that sought to acquire arms in order to incite sedition and civil war."

"This is what was being plotted in May 2008, according to these documents," Qassem went on to say.

"Some were preparing to wreak havoc in the country through militias and weapons, in particular the March 14 camp, giving no consideration to the rise of the State," Hizbullah number two charged.

He stressed that the State cannot be built with the "mentality of militias," alleging that the rival March 14 camp had been seeking to build militias during the infamous May 7, 2008 events to "triumph over the other camp militarily through civil strife and domestic chaos, so that it rules Lebanon alone and prevents others from participating in building the State."

This was accompanied by "systematic regional financing and the United States' moment by moment supervision," Qassem added.

But "with the presence of vigilant and faithful Lebanese parties, we managed to prevent civil strife … and restore some kind of stability in the country," he went on to say.

Addressing the unrest in neighboring Syria, Qassem stressed that stability in Syria was essential to Lebanon's stability and vice versa.

On the cabinet formation impasse, the Hizbullah official noted that his party wanted to see a new government formed "as soon as possible."

He hoped "there would be more effective steps to facilitate the formation process," stressing that forming a new cabinet was everyone's responsibility.

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