
Hariri, Geagea Hold Second Meeting in Saudi Arabia

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea held talks in Saudi Arabia on Thursday, the second such meeting in a week, reported Voice of Lebanon radio on Friday.

It said that the meeting focused on the parliamentary electoral law, saying that they shared the same view on the matter.

The two officials had held their first meeting on Tuesday, during which they discussed latest developments in the region, in particular, the impact of the turmoil in Syria on Lebanon and the 2013 parliamentary elections.

Geagea traveled to kingdom earlier this week to meet senior officials.

The Lebanese political foes are currently discussing a new electoral law to be adopted during the 2013 polls as the cabinet's draft law calls for dividing Lebanon into 13 medium-sized districts based on proportionality, while a plan suggested by Free Patriotic Movement chief Michel Aoun’s Change and Reform bloc allows every sect to elect its own MPs under a proportional representation system with Lebanon as a single district.

The opposition's proposal made by MPs George Adwan, Sami Gemayel and Butros Harb supports the formation of 50 small-sized districts in a winner-takes-all system.

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