
Cascada Village On the Hunt for Best Filmmaker

Cascada Village is determined to bring back the glory days of the Bekaa! It is therefore proud to announce its main sponsorship of the Bekaa Mobile Film Festival which is committed to discover talented youth from the Bekaa Valley, a press release said Tuesday.

The film festival, exclusively open to people residing or from the Bekaa, invites passionate film makers from all ages and backgrounds to submit creative 1-3 minute videos of any genre of their choice, ranging from romance and drama to documentary, science fiction, and animation.

Cascada Village will fly out the director of the best movie to France to participate in the European Mobile Film Festival and to meet famous directors, the press release added.

A professional jury panel and the public will also vote for their top three movies. Entries can be submitted personally at the French Institute of Zahle and Bekaa, at any library supporting the competition, or via email.

Cascada Village, in partnership with the French institute of Zahle and Bekaa is looking forward to uncover the hidden talents of the Bekaa youth, and promises that this is merely the first stepping stone in a series of fun activities and festivals to come.

We invite any filmmaker, amateur or professional, to visit Cascada Village’s Facebook page for more details surrounding the competition, the release concluded:

Source: Agence France Presse

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