
Suleiman from France: Visit is Aimed at Supporting Lebanon’s Neutral Position on Arab Developments

President Michel Suleiman stated on Thursday that his visit to France is aimed at bolstering Lebanese-French ties and helping it maintain its stability amid the regional changes.

He said: “The visit is aimed at supporting and preserving Lebanon’s neutral position on Arab developments.”

He made his remarks after holding separate talks in Paris with French Senate Speaker Jean-Pierre Bel and the President of the National Assembly Claude Bartolone.

“Once these Arab countries make the shift to democracy, Lebanon will be able to practice its own,” added Suleiman.

For his part, Bel praised the president’s role in maintaining security and stability in Lebanon and resuming the national dialogue, as well as his success in “preventing the developments in Syria from spreading to Lebanon.”

Bartolone meanwhile stressed France’s “constant support for Lebanon’s stability, unity, sovereignty, and independence.”

Suleiman thanked the officials for France’s support for Lebanon, hoping that Lebanese-French ties will be developed on different levels, especially the parliamentary one.”

The president arrived in Paris on Thursday where he is set to hold talks with his French counterpart Francois Hollande and other senior officials.

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