
Franjieh: I am Not Obligated to Be Seated with Geagea’s Representative at National Dialogue

Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh stated that he understands how Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah would send a representative to the national dialogue on Monday out of security fears, adding however he does not understand how others would want to follow suit, reported As Safir newspaper on Saturday.

He told the newspaper: “If Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea wants to send a representative for security reasons, then we will do the same.”

“I am not obligated to sit by his representative,” he added.

“Whoever does not want to participate at the talks should not send an envoy,” remarked the MP.

Nasrallah will be represented at the talks by the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad.

A leading Christian source told As Safir that the Lebanese Forces may take part in the national dialogue if the March 14 camp’s conditions are met.

Geagea had stated that security reasons have thwarted him from attending the dialogue session, which is scheduled to be held at the Baabda Palace on Monday.

The LF chief was the victim of a failed assassination attempt at his Maarab residence in April.

He had announced his boycott of the talks, describing them as a “big distraction.”

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