
Organization of Islamic Conference: Lebanon May Slip into Civil War if Syrian Crisis Persists

The head of the Organization of Islamic Conference Akmaluddin Ihsan Oglu warned on Sunday of “dangerous developments” should the violence in Syria continue.

He voiced fears that Lebanon may once again slip into civil war should the crisis in Syria persist.

He made his remarks after holding talks in Jeddah with United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon.

“Lebanon has experienced civil war for long years and this experience will prevent it from once again heading down that path,” added Oglu according to Agence France Presse.

“We therefore stress the need for the fighting in Syria to end,” he continued.

“We want all sides in Lebanon to seek their country’s higher interest, which is peaceful coexistence between its people,” he said.

“Any armed clashes pose a danger to the country’s future,” stated the head of the Organization of Islamic Conference.

Clashes broke out Friday night between the rival Tripoli neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen leaving 12 dead and 50 wounded.

The neighborhoods have been gripped by frequent fighting, reflecting a split between Lebanon's parties where the March 14- led opposition backs the revolt in Syria while a ruling coalition led by Hizbullah supports the Damascus regime.

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