
Mustaqbal Says Syria U.N. Letter Aims to 'Deviate Attention from Regime Crimes'

The Mustaqbal Movement on Friday described a letter sent by Syria to the U.N. about the presence of “terrorists” in Lebanon as “fabricated accusations aimed at diverting attention from the regime’s blatant crimes.”

“The Mustaqbal Movement categorically denies the content of the letter sent by Syria’s envoy to the U.N. Bashar al-Jaafari on behalf of his country to the United Nations and its secretary general Ban Ki-moon, in regard to accusing the Movement of harboring what he called ‘terrorist elements’ from the al-Qaida and Muslim Brotherhood organizations who are seeking to undermine Kofi Annan’s plan,” the movement said in a statement.

In his letter, Jaafari charged that “the offices of some charitable societies supervised by Salafist groups and the Mustaqbal Movement in Lebanese border areas ... have been turned into places for receiving and harboring terrorist elements from the al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood organizations.”

“The Syrian regime’s envoy tried in his letter to export his country’s crisis to Lebanon by using the name of the Mustaqbal Movement which abides by the rules of responsible, civil and democratic political action, and this is what it has proven since the assassination of martyr premier Rafik Hariri, by seeking justice instead of vengeance,” Mustaqbal said, stressing that it will always “reject the use of terrorism or weapons.”

The movement stressed that “the Syrian regime will not be able to prevent any Lebanese or Arab citizen from expressing their opinion by standing by the Syrian people in its just battle to earn its right to freedom.”

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