
Scarlett Johansson Gets Hollywood Star

Scarlett Johansson was honored with her own star on Hollywood's storied Walk of Fame on Wednesday, saying it proved she must have "made it to the big time."

The 27-year-old star, who reprises her role of the Black Widow in the latest Marvel Comics blockbuster "The Avengers," was joined by co-star Jeremy Renner at the ceremony.

"When I was told I was getting this star, I thought to myself, man, I really made it to the big time," said Johansson, dressed in a figure-hugging black and white ensemble with dizzying geometric patterns.

"You know, no matter what happens from here on out, I made my mark, I'm here to stay, and my family for generations to come will always be able to visit me right here, always. What a deeply, deeply touching gift," she added.

Johansson, star of "The Horse Whisperer," "Girl with a Pearl Earring," and "Lost in Translation," first played the Black Widow in 2010's "Iron Man 2" starring Robert Downey Jr.

Renner, who co-stars as Hawkeye in "The Avengers" -- due out in the United States on Friday -- paid teasing tribute to Johansson. "Working with her was awful," he joked.

"For six months, she continuously threw me around, beat me, stepped on me and wiped the floor with my dignity and self-respect every day -- all with a smile on her face."

DEA San Diego Acting Special Agent in Charge William R. Sherman added: "I am deeply troubled by the incident that occurred here last week.

"I extend my deepest apologies the young man and want to express that this event is not indicative of the high standards that I hold my employees to. I have personally ordered an extensive review of our policies and procedures."

Chong told NBC he was mystified at how they could have simply forgotten him. "They never came back, ignored all my cries and I still don't know what happened," he said.

"I'm not sure how they could forget me."

Source: Agence France Presse

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